M103 T1 L1 Flashcards
What are the three cavities of the thorax?
the left pleural cavity
the right pleural cavity
the mediastinum
What is the function of the visceral pleura?
Adheres to lungs
creates smooth and slippery surface
connects parietal pleura to the hilum
What are the four parts of the parietal pleura?
What six structures are contained in the hilum of the lung?
main bronchus (posterior) pulmonary artery (superior) pulmonary veins (inferior) bronchial arteries and veins pulmonary plexus of nerves lymph vessels and nodes
What is the mechanism of pleural and pulmonary development?
the lungs grow in out pouches these form lung and bronchial buds Rapid division of airways occurs Lungs push their way into primitive thoracic cavity they take the visceral pleura with them
When do the lungs and pleura start to develop and from which germ layer?
4-6 week old embryo
endoderm layer
What does the pleuropericardial membrane form?
the parietal pleura
the visceral pleura
What do the pericardioperitoneal canals form?
the pleural cavity
From what week is ventilation possible from?
26 weeks
When does formation of new alveoli stop?
10 years old
How does the initial lung look like and what does it change to look like?
glandular, becomes canalised - gc
What effect does surface tension, generated by serous fluid, have on the pleural cavity?
provides cohesion
helps lungs be held against thoracic wall
so the lung expands as the thoracic cavity expands
What are two examples of pleural cavity recesses?
costomediastinal recess
costodiaphragmatic recesses
What are the four different parts of the parietal pleura innvervated by?
cervical - 1st intercostal nerve
costal - intercostal nerves
mediastinal - phrenic nerve
diaphragmatic - lower intercostals and phrenic nerves
What is the type of innervation received by visceral pleura?
autonomic from pulmonary plexuses
What are the key features of the right lung?
3 lobes: superior, middle, inferior
2 fissures: horizontal and oblique
Larger and heavier
Shorter and wider
What are the key features of the left lung?
2 lobes: superior and inferior
1 fissure: oblique
has a cardiac notch and lingula
Which structures do the bronchial arteries supply?
the lungs
the visceral pleura