M10.1 Flashcards
Where is ICAO HQ
Montreal Canada
What does ICAO do?
Creates SARPs
12,000 formed into 3 annexes
Has no executive powers
The assembly (ICAO)
Representatives from all states. Meet every three years. Review and set policies
Background of ICAO
55 states invited, 54 attended, and 52 signed. Called Chicago convention.
Provisions formed by 21 states formed PICAO. 4th April 1947, fully ratified by attending countries, today totals 193 countries.
The council (ICAO)
Headed by the president who is elected every three years.
Composed of 36 states
The secretariat (ICAO)
Headed by the secretary general.
Divided into various bureaus
What does ANC stand for
Air Navigation Comission
What is the AMC
Air navigation commission.
Withing icao and develops SARPs.
19 members who receive tasking from the council and are appointed by the council.
Do not represent the interest of any state.
UK CAA background
Civil aviation act 1949
Requirements of ICAO in the uk, laid down in ‘Air Navigation Order’ (ANO (CAP 393)).
CAP 393 / ANO
Legal document
Contains articles of law
Expanded in by schedules
All uk based stuff must comply
What is the CAA
When was it established
What do they do
Who are they responsible too
Where is HQ
Formally established in 1972.
Independent body controlling uk aviation, responsible to the uk government.
HQ is in Gatwick airport
Effect of brexit
CAA adopted EASA regulations, now known as ‘UK retained EU legislation’
What does SSP stand for
State safety programme
What is SSP
It is an OCAO requirement on the Uk government, makes the UK government regulate and oversee aviation
Roles of CAA
Regulate and oversee
Ensure industry meets highest safety standards
Airspace management
Licensing and certification
Economic regulation
Environment protection
International coordination
What does BCAR stand for?
What are BCARs?
British civil aviation requirements
Produced by the CAA in the form of Civil Aviation Publications (CAP).
They expand on the ANO, laying down minimum standards for airworthiness.
What does MAA stand for and what is it
Military Aviation Authority
Full oversight for all defence aviation
Air accident investigation and AAIB
Fully separate from CAA
Established within dept of transport
Role of Secretary of State
AKA transport secretary
Overall responsibility for the policies of the department for transport
Department of transport has responsibility on coordination of ICAO related matters
Hard law
Binding law e.g. Implementing Rules (IRs)
Soft law
Non binding
E.g. AMC and GM
Implementary rules
EU regulations adopted by the CAA now uk law.
Divided into two sections:
- section A: requirements for the individual or organisation
- section B: requirements for the CAA
Acceptable means of compliance (AMC)
-Non binding
-Serve as a means by which the requirements in the IRs can be met.
- not the only means of showing compliance
Guidance material (GM)
Non binding
Explanatory and interpretation material on how to achieve the requirements in the IRs, the AMCs and the CSs
Certification specification (CS)
Non binding
Technical standards adopted by the uk CAA to meet requirements of the basic regulations.