M1: Issues Unique to the Newborn Flashcards
Newborn Mortality: severe immaturity
Newborn Mortality: placental insufficiency
Newborn Mortality: Respiratory distress syndrome
Newborn Mortality: congenital anomalies
Newborn Mortality: intrauterine infection
Newborn Mortality: severe congenital malformations
Newborn Mortality: birth asphyxia, trauma
Newborn Mortality: intraventricular hemorrhage
Newborn Mortality: Congenital anomalies
Newborn Mortality: infection
Full term & Preterm
Newborn Mortality: umbilical cord accident
Newborn Mortality: abruptio placenta
Newborn Mortality: meconium aspiration pneumonia
Newborn Mortality: necrotinizing enterocolitis
Newborn Mortality: persistent pulmonary hypertension
Newborn Mortality: bromchopulmonary dysplasia
Newborn Mortality: hydrops fetalis
RDS type II. Prematures or term infants. Delayed absorption of respiratory fluid. Onset is early. Tachypnea with grunting or reactions, cyanosis. Difficult to differentiate from mild RDS. Feeding withheld.
Transient Tachypnea of the NB
TTNB CXR: increase pulmonary markings, __________.
Tx for TTNB
Oxygen by mask or hood
Recovery period of TTNB
3-4 days
Hyaline membrane disease. Common in premature. 60-80%
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Within minutes of birth. Peak within 3 days.
BS, fine rales
RDS CXR: ______ glass, reticulogranular, air bronchogram; appears _____ hours.
Ground. 6-12.
ABG result of RDS
Respiratory-metabolic acidosis, hypoxemia
Is standard of car in women with preterm labor of up to 34weeks
Antenatal steroids
For intratracheal instillation every 6-12 hrs for 2-4 doses
Exogenous surfactants
Basic defect in Tx: decrease exchange of _________.
O2 & CO2
RDS has high risk for
Common complication of RDS
10-15% of births. Stained. Term or post term. MAS in 5%. 30% mechanical ventilation, 3-5% expire. Tachypnea, retractions, grunting & cyanosis. Partial obstruction of some airways may lead to pneumothorax.
Meconium Aspiration
Meconium Aspiration usually improves within
Meconium stain CXR: patchy _______, course streaking BLF, anteroposterior diameter & ________ of diaphragm.
Infiltrates. Flattening.
Prevention for Meconium aspiration
Careful anticipation
Treatment for meconium stain
Supportive care & mgt of RDS
Prognosis of Meconium Aspiration: depends on CNS injury from ________.
Is observed during the first week of life in 60% term infants & 80% preterm infants. When the rate of bilirubin production exceeds the rate of elimination, the end result is an increase total serum bilirubin(TSB) _________. Accumulation of bilirubin in the skin, sclera & mucosa.
Jaundice. Hyperbilirubinemia.
Risk Factor of Jaundice: a sibling with neonatal _______ or _______.
Jaundice. Anemia.
Risk Factor of Jaundice: Unrecognized _______ (ABO, Rh)
Risk Factor of Jaundice: nonoptimal ________ (bottle or breastfeeding)
Risk Factor of Jaundice: deficiency of _______.
Risk Factor of Jaundice: Infection. Infant of ______ mother. Immaturity.
Risk Factor of Jaundice: __________. East asian, __________.
Cephalohematoma. Mediterranean.
Jaundice is higher in populations living at
Higher altitudes
Benign neonatal bilirubinemia. Nonpathologic condition due to increased bilirubin production and limited elimination. 17-18mg/dL
Physiologic Jaundice
Exclusion criteria Physiologic Jaundice: jaundice persisting _______(full term)
> 2wks
Occurs within 1st week of life. 12.9% incidence. Bilirubin level >12mg/dL.
Breastfeeding Jaundice
Occurs after 1st week of life. 2-4% incidence. Bilirubin >10mg/dL at 3 weeks.
Breastmilk Jaundice
Among the infants with jaundice appearing on day 4 & 7 of life, _________ was more common cause, occurring in 50% of cases.
BM jaundice
ABO incompatibility. G6PD. Sepsis. Infants of diabetic mothers. Visible jaundice 5-7mg/dL. TSB levels >12mg/dL appear jaundiced.
Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Unconjugated HyperB Dx: total ______ bilirubin
Unconjugated HyperB Dx: blood type & ____ status
Unconjugated HyperB Dx: ______ & differential
Unconjugated HyperB Dx: detects antibodies bound to the surface of RBC. Usually + in hemolytic disease. Does not correlate w/ severity of jaundice. Can be obtained from the cord blood.
Coombs test
Elevation suggests hemolytic disease. Can also be elevated in cases of occult or overt hemorrhage.
Management of Unconjugated H with side effect of bronze baby syndrome
Management of Unconjugated H when the risk of kernicterus is significant
Exchange transfusion
Management of Unconjugated H pharmacologic therapy. Enhances bilirubin secretion.
In Unconjugated H, presence of this suggests the prognosis is bad. There is neuronal dysfunction and death.
Increase in polyhydramnios, preeclampsia, pyelonephritis, preterm labor & chronic HPN. Usually LGA. Mortality rate is >5%. Clinical manifestations are large & lump, puffy plethoric facies, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, jittery, tremulous, tachypnea, inc RDS, cardiomegaly, birth trauma & congenital anomalies.
Infant of Diabetic Mother
Treatment of Infant diabetic mother: ________ within 1hr & every 6-8hrs.
Blood glucose
Treatment of Infant diabetic mother: _________ feeding soonest
Oral or gavage