M1 Cellula Flashcards
O que e que a cellula?
a célula é um bloco estrutural que mantém todas as
características fundamentais da vida
Pick which ones are true:
All cells:
a)Do not store their hereditary information as the double helix strand DNA
b)replicate this hereditary information
c) Transcribe parts of their hereditary info to RNA
d) Not all cells use proteins as catalysts
e) All cells translate RNA into protein the same way
Phototropic organisms are
Organisms that get food directly from sunlight
Lipotrophic organisms
Get energy from inorganic chemicals in environment
O que distingue um ser vida?
as 4-5 caracterisadas
Reproducao, homeostatis, organizacao, producao, sinalizacao
5 universal characteristics of cells
- rodeadas por uma membrana plasmatica
-posses hereditary information that goes from DNA–RNA–Proteins
-Unique Common chemistry–carbon
-Proteins guarantee the construction and function - Require energy to maintain organism and homeostasis
The hydrophilic part of the cell membrane is made up of
Phosphate part of phospholipid
The hydrophobic part of the bilayer is made up of
Acidos gordos- fatty acids
4 families of macromolecules that all cells consist:
Proteinas, polissacaridos, lipidos, acidos nucleicos
DNA is stored in portions called
What happens in
The DNA is photocopied into another DNA
What happens in transcription?
RNA is made from DNA
What happens in Translation?
Protein is made from RNA
Whats the difference between RNA and DNa
DNA is double stranded while RNA is single stranded
RNA is made up of ____ while Proteins are made up of ___
Nucleotides and Amino acids
A Nucleotide is made up of ___, ___ and ___
Sugar(ribose or deoxyribose), Base (nitrogen containing ) and phosphate group
What are the nitrogen containing bases or DNA? and RNA?
Work that protein does
Enzymes, transporters, receptors, regulators, defence
What is the main carrier of free energy in the cell?
5 process that use ATP
- active transport
-biosynthesis of components of cell - establishing 3D conformation of proteins
-Cellular movements - Cell division
component of ATP
Phosphate, ribose, adenine
A arvore da vida e organizada em tres ramos
Bacteria, Archea, Eukarya
What are the common ancestor of bacteria?
Arqueias e Eucariontes
What are procaryotes ?
Bacteria and Archea
a differencia entre o procarioticas e o eucarioticas?
Pro- nao tem nucleo
- smaller in length than eu
-no organelles
-has a unique molecule of DNA not associated w proteins
-small ribosomes
-RNA is made in the cytoplasm together with proteins
-doesnt have a chromatid fuse in cell division while eu has
generally unicellular
what characterizes eucariotes?
Protists, fungi, plants and animals
Procariotes can have other structures like:
Membranas fotossinteticas,
Pili ou fimbriae- to help cells adher to each other
Cilia or flagella- for movement
Gram positive bacteria
Cell wall have outer peptidoglycan layer and inner plasma membrane
Gram negative bacteria
Have outer membrane (with pore forming proteins) , inner peptidoglycan layer and then inner plasma membrane
what color does gram positive retain?
Cristal Violeta
A parede cellular de Arqueias :
Sem peptidoglicano e algumas arqueias nao tem parede cellular
-maioria termofilicas (thrive in relatively high temperatures
what organelles are throught to have common origin in the cell?
Involucro nuclear, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi e Lisossomas
Celula eucariotica ancestral possui:
Anaerobic cell from an archaeon + aerobic bacteria= AEROBIC Cell with nucleus and an internal membrane, mitochondria with two membranes
Celula eucariotica vegetal ancestral possui:
Early aerobic eucaryotic cell +photosynthetic bacterium= Eucaryotic cell capable of photosynthesis plus chloroplasts
What is the oldest part of the cell?
o que e que e o hipotese de endocariose?
e que uma bacteria ancestral endocitou uma arqueia that led to the origin of the nucleus
azoto e
seres vivos
living beings
low atomic weight in portuguese
Baixo peso atomico
Os caracteristicos de agua em fase liquida e
- coesão
- alta tensão superficial
- alto ponto de ebulição
(ponto de fusão e
ebulição distantes)
what is the negatively charged part of a water molecule?
Pontes de hidrogenio pode ser entre os tipos :
Two different parts of a macromolecule
Between groups of two macromolecules
And water
Substancias hidrofilicas sao
substancias que se dissolvem prontamente em agua
-ioes e moleculares polares
Qual substancias que nao tem estabelecimento de interacoes entre os dois tipos de moleculas?
Substancias hidrofobicas
Qual tipo de ligacao que as substancias hidrofobicas teem?
Ligacoes apolares
Qual elemento e invulgar porque sua capacidade de formar grandes moleculas?
Os C-C ligacoes
podem formar ligacoes altamente estaveis
o que e que o nome de grupos funcionais baixo
- SH ; -NH2 ; -C=O ; -OH
Sulfidrilo; amina; carbonilo; hidroxilo
compounds em portugues
compounds that are not used in making macromolecules but are essential in metabolism
ATP, NAD, CoA (coenzyme A)
Qual tipo de ligacoes que relacao 2 monossacarideos ?
Ligacao glicosidica
Os monossacarideos podem ser em 4 formas
-Cadeia linear
-forma intermediaria
- Alpha glucose
- Beta glucose
Alpha glucose has it’s orientation:
where it has 1 and 4 hydroxyl groups located on the same side
Beta glucose has it’s
1 and 4 hydroxyl groups located on opposite sides
How are alpha and beta esterioisomers formed?
The aldehyde or ketone group of the linear form of monossacharide can react with the hydroxyl group of the same molecule to form a ring; this ring can have two different positions alpha and beta
What makes up a glycosidic linkage?
acarbon with an aldehyde or ketone group react with a hydroxyl group of another monosacharide
Name three polysacharides:
Amilose, amilopectine, Glycogen
what are the polysaccharides reserved in animals called? and plants?
Amylopectin and amylose
qual tipo de ligacao que unidas de formar cellulose?
Beta 1,4
what polysacharides have bonds : 1-4 and 1-6
Amylopectin and Glycogen
what four elements make up macromolecules?
C, H, N, O
What makes lipids insoluble in water?
Because of the presence of many apolar covalent bonds
funcoes de lipidos
- Armazenamento de energia em forma de triglicerideos
-Composicaso das membranas celulares as fosfolipidos
-Absorcaso da luz as carotenoides
-Transmissao de sinais as esteroides
Triglicerideos liquidos tem qual tipo de acidos gordos?
qual tipo de lipidos formar vitaminas?
aminoacidos tem dois tipos de grupos funcionais em mesmo carbono:
Amino e carboxilo
What component of the protein is responsible for it’s specificity?
the side chain group
How is peptide bond formed?
The carbon in the carboxylic group of an amino acid joins with the nitrogen of the amino group and removes water to form a peptide bond
what part of the polypeptide is the beginning and serves as the extremity for nascent chain when protein is synthesized?
what is an alpha carbon?
it is next to a functional group in an organic compound
what type fo macromolecule can rotate? and why
because of the bonds of the functional groups next to the carbon
there are three types of attractions or linkages that make up the 3D conformation of proteins:
- electrostatic attractions between electrpositive and electronegative electrons (ionic bonds)
-Hydrogen bonds, between hydrogen and oxygen - Van der waals attractions (forces between non polar molecules)
In 3D The polypeptide is arranged as of:
Polar side chains on the exterior to connect with water
Non polar side chains on the inetrior making it hydrophobic
Em proteinas, o estrutura secundaria constitui :
Helice alfa e folha beta
Hydrogen bond coming from the H atom from the amine group and the O atom from the carboxyl group
Estrutura terciaria de Proteinas constitui:
Uma cadeia polipeptidica from the interactions between the side chains of the aminoacids
Estrutura quaternaria constituida
varias cadeias polipeptidicas
Acidos nucleicos teem qual tipo de ligacoes?
Ligacoes covalentes
como e que nos vamos estudar os componentes das celulas?
Fracionamento celular
Como e que nos vamos estudar as celulas
-Isolamento e cultura de celulas
- Microscopica otica e eletronica
Tecnologia do DNA recombinante
como e que os tipo de fracionamento celular
-Homogeneizacao- para rotura das celulas
-Centrifugacao- para seperacao das fracoes subcelulares
O sobrenadante no centrifugacao tem
componentes mais pequenos enquanto o sedimento tem componentes maiores
No centrifugacao fracionada, qual parte de cell e fracionada?
arrange these in order of highest to lowest limit of resolution
M.otica; M. de super resolucao, M. electronica; olho humano
Olho humano– M.otica– M. de super resolucao– M. Eletronica
Qual e os dois limitacoes de m. otica? Solucoes?
Espessura (em ingles?) e transparencia
Espessura- fazer cortes finos
Transarencia- Coloracoes, marcacoes especificas, especias de microscopia
Imunocitoquimica direita utilize
um anticorpo ligado a um marcador detetavel por microscopia
Imunolocalizacao utilize
Anticorpo primario—anticorpio secundario—marcador
qual tipo de imunolocalizaco permite amplificacao do sinal de detecao? como?
qual tipo de imunolocalizacao permite maior versatilidade na utilizacao dos anticorpos primarios?
what are the types of markers that can be used for imunolocalization?
Ouro coloidal (Gold)
Colourants (Corantes)
what are the examples of enzymatic markers for imunolocalization?
Alkaline phosphatase
what does these secondary flourescence colours mean?
Azul; Verde ?
Azul: Paredes celulares com calcofluor
Verde :Antibodies or proteins in living cells
How does proteina fluorescente verde emit green light
when aequorin from the jellyfish is activated (by calcium) it emits blue light which is absorbed by the Green flourescent protein to give green light
how does flourescente molecules work?
they absorb light in a specific wavelight and emit light in a wavelength that is more longer than the absorbed
how is the green flourescent protein used?
The GFP fuses with the gene of interest(from the protein of interest)
Then the transformation happens which leads to the synthesis of protein fussed with this colour
then it can be seen
What kind of microscope is used to observe proteina flourescente verde?
Microscopio de Fluorescencia ou confocal microscope