M&O Flashcards
What are Heteronomous ethics?
Something is good or bad, because someone else says so.
What is Autonomous ethics?
What is Autonomous ethics?
What is Utilitarianism?
The greatest happiness for the greatest number
What are Virtue ethics?
Virtues are fundamental ethics. (Lying is bad)
What is Kantianism/ Deontology?
Act in the morally right way, people must act from duty. (Stealing is bad, because it would be impossible to steal if everyone did it.)
What is Egoism?
Me, Me, Me. (I eat meat because I like it.)
What is the Right Theory?
Rights protect individuals form harm done by others. Rights can be considered:
- God given
- Part of the fabric of the universe
- The result of collective deliberation
What are Ethics of Care?
Caring for those who are dependent and vulnerable.
What is the Social Contract Theory?
Acting as moral agents. (How would you change society if you were a woman in Iran?)
What is Liberalism?
Maximizing individual liberty without harming others.
What is the Capabilities Approach?
Stimulating and facilitating capabilities (A lesbian Islamic woman should be able to develop herself)
What is Green Liberalism?
Maximizing individual liberty without harming others (including non-human animals).
How does pollution harm future generations?
Instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem
How does Desertification harm future generations?
Desert areas around the world are expanding
How does Depletion of resources harm future generations?
Humans are rapidly using up the Earth’s non-renewable resources
How does Biodiversity Loss harm future generations?
A high rate of species loss
How does Overfishing harm future generations?
Low biological growth in the oceans.
How does Overpopulation harm future generations?
Exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet
How does climate change harm future generations?
It has a strong negative impact on the carrying capacity of the planet
How does Ocean acidification harm future generations?
It is a threat to the food chains connected with the oceans
How does Deforestation harm future generations?
Leads to desertification, soil erosion and biodiversity loss
According Jeremy Bentham, what was the driving question of the moral circle?
Can they suffer?
How does the moral circle look?
Myself - My Friends & Family - Everyone in my country - All living humans - Future generations - Nonhuman animals
How do we know how much an animal can suffer?
- Behaviour (how does the animal respond to pain?)
- Neurology (Is the nervous system centralized?)
- Evolution (Do any close relatives of the animal have this capacity?)
How does the scale of suffering look?
Humans Apes Dolphins Pigs Dogs Muse/Rat Chicken Fish Insects Qualls Microorganisms
What is Anthropocentrism in the moral circle?
Humans only
What is Sentientism in the moral circle?
All who can suffer
What is Biocentrism in the moral circle?
Everything alive
What is Ecocentrism in the moral circle?
Ecosystems matter
What is Gaia in the moral circle?
Earth as an organism
What is Despotisms attitude towards nature?
Short term egoistic self-interest. Denial of environmental problems
What is Enlightened Despotism attitude towards nature?
Believing that technology will fix all problems
What is Stewardship attitude towards nature?
- Religious (Caretaking of earth for god)
- Secular (Caretaking of our planet for future generations)
Beyond Anthropocentrism (Believing in intrinsic value of nature)
What is Partner attitude towards nature?
Being an equal partner with nature, conserving nature
What is Participant attitude towards nature?
Having the lowest possible harmful impact on the planet. Treading softly on the earth: preserving nature.
What is Unio Mystica attitude towards nature?
Selfless harmony with nature
What are the four ethical relations?
- Humans – God
- Humans – Humans
- Humans – Nonhuman animals
- Humans – Nature
How much can our planet handle?
People x Average Ecological Footprint < Carrying Capacity
What is the ‘equation of stupid’?
The Carrying capacity equation
What are we doing with our planet?
Ecosystem collapse
What are we trying to do with our planet?
What do we need to do with our planet?
What should we do with our planet?
Making it better
What does your harm impact consist of?
Indirect and direct harm to others