M 1.2 Flashcards
- Usually attached to bones by tendons
- Long cylindrical fiber with many peripherally located nuclei; unbranched; striated with alternating light and dark bands seen by microscopy
- Arise from the fusion of a hundred or more small mesodermal cells called myoblasts during embryonic development, thus, each mature skeletal muscle fiber has a hundred or more nuclei
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Part of the myoblast population does not fuse and differentiate but remains as a group of mesenchymal cells called _____________ located on the external sur face of muscle fibers inside the developing external lamina. These proliferate and produce new muscle fibers
following muscle injury.
muscle satellite cells
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Length: Very long, vary greatly in length, from a few centimeters in short muscles to ___________
cm in the longest muscles
30-40 cm
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Diameter: Very large - _________ um
10-100 um
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
- Sarcolemma (Transverse (T) tubules)
- Nuclei
- Sarcoplasm (Glycogen, Myoglobin, Mitochondria, Sarcoplasmic reticulum, Myofibrils)
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Structure ?
- Long, finger-like invaginations of the sarcolemma that penetrate into the sarcoplasm
- Aligned with each A-I band junctions
- Filled with interstitial fluid (ensures that an action potential excites all parts of the muscle fiber at essentially the same instant)
Transverse (T) tubules
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Structure ?
- 100 or more in each skeletal muscle fiber
- Found just beneath the sarcolemma
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Structure ?
- Large molecule composed of many glucose molecules
- Can be used for ATP synthesis
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Structure ?
- A red-colored protein, found only in muscle,
- Binds oxygen molecules that diffuse into muscle fibers from interstitial fluid and releases oxygen when it is needed by the mitochondria for ATP production
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Structure ?
-Lie in rows throughout the muscle fiber, strategically close to the contractile muscle proteins that use ATP during contraction so that ATP can be produced quickly as needed
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Structure ?
- A fluid-filled system of membranous sacs that encircles each myofibril
- Dilated end sacs of the SR called terminal cisterns butt against the T tubule from both sides
- Abundant in skeletal muscle fibers
- In a relaxed muscle fiber, the sarcoplasmic reticulum stores calcium ions (Ca++ ). Release of Ca++ from the terminal cisterns of the SR triggers muscle contraction
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Structure ?
- The contractile organelles of skeletal muscle
- Arranged in parallel bundles
- About 2 um in diameter and extend the entire length of a muscle fiber
- Containing thin and thick filaments (myofilaments) whose overlapping organization produces staining differences that cause striations
Structure of Myofibril
_______________ is the basic functional contractile unit of a myofibril
Components of Sarcomere:
- Z discs
- A band
- I band
- H zone
- M line
Components of Sarcomere:
- Narrow, plate-shaped regions of dense material that separate one sarcomere from the next
Z discs