Oil soluble dyes
greatest affinity for phospholipids or neutral fats (triglycerides)
Sudan Black B (SBB)
A more sensitive coloring agent than other lysochromes; should be discarded if the brownish color appeared
Sudan Black B (SBB)
Demonstrates lipids that are resistant to paraffin embedding
Sudan Black B (SBB)
Recommended for neutral fats (triglycerides) ; do not color phospholipids and fine lipid droplets
Sudan IV or Sharlach R
First Sudan Dye introduced in histochemistry; Fat soluble; a good stain for the CNS
Sudan III
Used in order to promote adhesion of selections to slides
Commonly used adhesives:
- Mayer’s Egg Albumin
- Dried Albumin
- 1% Gelatin
- Gelatin
- Starch paste
- Plasma
- Poly-L-Lysine
- 3-APES (3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane)
This adhesive is most commonly used because it is very easy to make and relatively inexpensive
Mayer’s Egg Albumin
Mayer’s Egg Albumin formula
Egg white (50 mL)
Glycerin (50mL)
Thymol crystals (100mL)
Dried Albumin formula
Dried albumin (5g)
Sodium chloride (5g)
Distilled water (100mL)
Thymol crystals
1% Gelatin formula
Gelatin (1g)
Distilled water (100mL)
Glycerol (15mL)
Phenol crystals (2g)
Gelatin formula
1% Gelatin (5mL)
2% Formaldehyde (5mL)
Starch paste formula
Powdered starch (1g)
Distilled water (30mL= 10mL cold, 20mL boiling)
Hydrochloric acid (2 drops)
Thymol crystals
Readily available from outdated blood stored in blood banks, dispensed into sterile tubes of 0.5mL each
Used as a section adhesive in immunohistochemistry
Very useful in cytology particularly for cytospin preparations of proteinaceous or bloody material
A syrupy fluid applied between the section and the coverslip after staining setting the section firmly, preventing the movement of the coverslip
Mounting medium or mountant