Lymphoma, Leukemia, LAD, TTP - Newman, Vangarsse Flashcards
What are the central LNs that are enlarged in lymphoma?
Axillary, cervical, inguinal
Generalized LAD w/respiratory symptoms requires what?
What are the most common types of cancers in children under 15?
Brain tumors
Neuroblastomas are tumors of what?
Derived from what?
Median age of dx?
Sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla
Neural crest cells
18 months
Isolated thrombocytopenia in the absence of any obvious initiating or underlying cause is what?
How are the children normally described?
Acute ITP
otherwise well
In a pt in which you suspect ITP, what does the presence of platelet morphology, schistocytes, +direct Coombs, or fibrin degradation products tell you?
The answer is NOT itp
What labs should be ordered in a pt w/unexplained LAD?
CXR Before LN biopsy
What is acute ITP classified as?
Less than 6 months
Greater than 6 months
What are “B symptoms”?
Unexplained fever > 39C
Weight loss > 10% over 6mo
DRENCHING night sweats
Peak incidence of Wilms tumor?
2-5 y/o
Presentation of acute ITP?
Sudden onset of bruising/petechiae OR mucocutaneous bleeding
Otherwise healthy child
50% 1-2 was after viral illness
What accounts for 60% of lymphomas in children and adolescents?
What LN should never be enlarged and is cause for concern?
A young pt with chronic ITP needs what medications?
What treatment?
Platelets are usually what?
No Meds
Everything normal except cannot participate in contact sports
Burkitt lymphoma of the sporadic type manifests where?
Head and neck w/BM or CNS
Blueberry muffin baby seen in what childhood disease?
What is a marker for hematologic malignancies?
Treatment for acute ITP?
What is exceedingly rare but a feared complication?
None, maybe steroids
Intracranial hemorrhage
What is indicated when a pt presents with a painless testicular mass w/no hx of trauma or injury?
CXR –> likely a malignancy
Denys-Drash syndrome has what risk of developing Wilms tumor?
Genetic abnormality?
mutation in Zn finger of WT1 protein (ch. 11)
Gonadal dysgenesis, early onset nephropathy
What causes conjuctivitis, preauricular adenitis, and conjuctival granuloma?
Seen in what?
Parinaud’s syndrome
Cat scratch disease
At what level of platelets is primary hemostasis impaired?
Spontaneous bleeding?
Clinically significant bleeding?
Life-threatening hemorrhage?
What are the important lab values in neuroblastomas?
90% of them produce what?
Elevated urine VMA and HVA
Peak incidence of acute ITP?
Bw what ages usually?