Lymphatic & Venous Drainage Of H&N Flashcards
Lymphatic Drainage of Head and Neck is divided into
Peripheral Lymph Nodes
Deep Cervical Nodes
Peripheral LymphNodes of Head and Neck are arranged in
Outer Circle and Inner Circle
Peripheral LNs ~ Outer Circle nodes is situated at the
Junction of Head and Neck
Submental nodes
Submandibular nodes
Preauricular nodes
Mastoid/Postauricular nodes
Occipital nodes
Peripheral LNs ~ Inner Circle nodes is situated at
Deep to Investing Layer of DCF
- Pretracheal and Prelaryngeal nodes
- Paratracheal nodes
- Retropharyngeal nodes
Waldeyer’s ring is situated at
Inner to the Inner circle
That is Submucosal Collection of Lymphatic Tissue surrounding the Oral and Nasal Passage
All the cervical lymph nodes, ultimately drain into
Deep Cervical Nodes
i.e; Jugulo-Digastric nodes
Jugulo-Omohyoid nodes
Jugulo-Digastric Node is the Principal node for
Along the Digastric Muscle
Jugulo-Omohyoid Node is the Principal Node for
Along the Omohyoid Muscle and
close to Intermediate tendon of Omohyoid
Jugulo-Digastric Node is Situated in the Triangular interval formed by
A - Internal Jugular Vein
B - Common Facial Vein
C - Digastric Muscle
Level 1a
Submental nodes
Level of Submandibular nodes
Level 1b
Level 2 nodes
Level 3 nodes
Level 4 nodes
Level 2 nodes ~ upper Jugular
Level 3 nodes ~ middle Jugular
Level 4 nodes ~ lower Jugular
Thy are related to Internal Jugular Vein
Level of Posterior Triangle Lymphatic nodes
Level 5a
Level 5b
Level 6 Nodes Present between the
Hyoid bone to Clavicle
Level 7 nodes are
Mediastinal Nodes
Waldeyer’s Lymphatic Ring is formed by
In front ~
Laterally ~
Behind ~
In front ~ Lingual Tonsil
Laterally ~ Palatine and Tubal Tonsils
Behind ~ Nasopharyngeal Tonsil(adenoids)
Supratrochlear vein + Supraorbital vein →
Angular Vein
Maxillary Vein + Superficial Temporal Vein →
Retromandibular Vein
Retromandibular Vein is divided into
Anterior and Posterior Division
Pterygoid Venous Plexus is Drained by
Maxillary Vein
1st Tributary of IJV
Inferior Petrosal Sinus ~ draining the cavernous sinus into IJV
Facial Vein is Not a ____________ of Internal Jugular Vein but common facial vein is a ____________
Facial Vein + Ant. Division of Retromandibular Vein forms Common Facial Vein
Common Facial Vein (tributary of)→ IJV
Inferior Thyroid Vein is not a Tributary of IJV. It is draining into
Brachiocephalic Vein
Thoracic duct draining into the
Angle between IJV and Left Subclavian Vein