Lymphatic System Flashcards
Which blood has more pressure on the capillaries?
The blood on the atrial side than on the venous side
What is the fluid that surrounds the cells?
Tissue fluid
How is tissue fluid formed?
Because of the high pressure on the atrial side, most of the liquid part. The blood plasma is forced through the walls of capillaries and lands between the cells of the tissue
What happens between the tissue fluid and the cells?
The cells begin to absorb the nutrients and oxygen directly form the tissue fluid and release waste products into the tissue fluid.
How much fluid goes back to the capillaries?
Only a small amount of tissue fluid
What is the name of the separate vessel that drains the tissue fluid between the cells a d transport back to the bloodstream?
Lymphatic system
What is the extended system in the capillaries?
Lymphatic system
What is a lymph?
The tissue fluid inside the lymphatic vessels
What are lymph capillaries?
System of small, blind ending lymphatic vessels that originate and branch between the cells of the tissues
What is the result of the Union of lymph capillaries
Form larger lymphatic vessels
What is the name of the two large lymphatic vessels?
Thoracic duct
Right lymphatic duct
Which lymphatic vessels open to the thoracic duct?
Lymphatic vessels from the left side of the chest, left arm, left side of the head and neck
Which lymphatic vessels open into the right lymphatic vessels?
Right side of the chest, right arm, right side of the neck and head
What does the thoracic duct open Into?
Left subclavian vein
What what vein does the right lymphatic duct open into?
Right subclavian vein
How is the pressure in the lymphatic vessels?
It is very low
Why is there a low pressure in the lymphatic vessels?
Because the is no pump organ to move the lymph through the lymphatic vessels
In which direction is the lymph moved?
To the direction of the heart
What makes the lymphatic vessels move in the direction of the of the heart?
The movement of internal organs and the contraction of voluntary skeletal muscles
What is the functions of semi-lunar valves in the lymphatic vessels?
The prevent back flow of lymph into in the vessels
Describe the structure of lymph nodes
A small bean shaped structures
Where are the lymph nodes located?
Are distributed throughout the body, especially close to the lymphatic vessels with larger concentration in the armpit, groin and neck
What are 2 functions of lymph nodes?
- act as filters and trap foreign substances
- act as antibodies, protecting the body by providing immunity against disease causing virus and bacteria
What is the first function of the lymphatic system
It prevents accumulation of tissue fluid between the cells by transporting it back to the blood circulatory system
What is the second lymphatic system function
Plasma proteins which accumulate in the tissue fluid are transported back into the bloodstream
What is the third function of lymphatic vessels
Transport fats back into the bloodstream
How is the lymph structurally adapted to perform its function?
Villi in the small intestine have small lymphatic vessels which absorb fats into larger lymphatic vessels