Lymphatic (immune) Flashcards
What vitamins are vital to lymphatic/immune health? 6
A B C D E and K
What minerals are vital to lymphatic/immune health? 4
What fats are vital to lymphatic/immune health? 1
Essential fatty acids
What amino acid is vital to lymphatic/immune health, why and what foods can it be found in? 3
Strengthens immune system
Protein-rich foods
Why is Vitamin A vital to lymphatic/immune health and when should it not be prescribed? 5
Stimulates lymphocytes Strengthens epithelial cells Shortens duration of illness Slows aging - internally and externally Protects against environment toxins LIVER DISEASE
Why are the B vitamins vital to lymphatic/immune health? 6
Antioxidant properties Antibody protection Healthy active immune system Bone marrow health Stimulation of gut flora Promotes healing
Why is Vitamin C vital to lymphatic/immune health and when should it not be prescribed? 7
Detoxifier of toxins Promotes wound healing WBC stimulation Wards off fungi, viruses and bacteria Antibody protection Tx cold ANTICOAGULANT
Why is Vitamin D vital to lymphatic/immune health? 2
Production of T-lymphocytes
Anti-body protection
Why is Vitamin E vital to lymphatic/immune health and when should it not be prescribed? 4
Speeds up healing process
Protects from environmental toxins - lungs
Why is Vitamin K vital to lymphatic/immune health? 1
Why is CoQ10 vital to lymphatic/immune health? 2
Why is Iodine vital to lymphatic/immune health? 1
Aids immunity
Why is Selenium vital to lymphatic/immune health? 4
Removes heavy metals from the body
Protects against cancer
Found in low levels in those with chronic illness
Why is Zinc vital to lymphatic/immune health? 1
Stimulates WBC production
Why are EFAS vital to lymphatic/immune health? 3
Make hormone like eicosanoids that regulate immune and inflammatory responses
Omega 3’s have anti-inflammatory effects and can slow autoimmune damage
Anti fungal, anti yeast and anti microbial properties helping to protect against infections