Lymphatic Drainage Flashcards
Testicles lymphatic drainage
Para aortic (with arteries in region of renal arteries)
Rectum and upper 2/3 anal canal lymphatic drainage
Internal and common iliac
And along superior arteries to pre- aortic nodes
Vulva, scrotum and lower limb lymphatic drainage
Superficial then deep inguinal
Vulva lymphatic drainage
Superficial then deep inguinal
Scrotum lymphatic drainage
Superficial then deep inguinal
Cervix lymphatic drainage
Mostly to iliac and obturator nodes
?Some pass with round ligament to superficial inguinal
?Some pass directly to para aortic
Lower third of vagina lymphatic fraunage
Follow vulval drainage to superficial inguinal nodes
Internal pudendal artery is a branch of
Internal iliac
Internal pudendal artery gives off inferior rectal artery where?
After leaving pelvis through sciatic foramen and winding round ischial spine antlers ischiorectal fossa and gives off inferior rectal
Which structures do terminal branches of internal pudendal artery supply?
Perineal and vulval
Terminal branches if pudendal nerve
After giving off inferior rectal nerve:
Perineal nerve - sensory to vulval skin, also anterior EAS, levator ani and superficial perineal
Dorsal nerve of clitoris - sensory
Position of paramesonephric duct relative to Mesonephric
Lateral cranially then pass medially to fuse in lower part
Pattern of fusion of paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts
From below upwards
Structures formed from urogenital sinus
Endoderm as forms from cloaca
Lower 2/3 vagina - oestrogen not needed
Bulbourethral glands, prostate and urethra in males under influence if androgens
Structures formed from Mesonephric ducts in male
Vas deferens
Seminal vesicles