Lymphatic Flashcards
What are primary & secondary lymphatic organs?
Primary: Thymus & Red Bone Marrow
Secondary: Lymph Nodes, Spleen, Lymph Nodules(MALT)
Are NK cells innate or adaptive immunity?
Natural Killer Cells: innate, they use perferin to lyse tumours & virally infected cells
5-10% of lymphocytes
What are the 4 main signs of inflammation?
-redness (erythema)
-swelling (edema)
What are the 3 stages of immune response?
-emigration of phagocytes from blood to interstitial
-tissue repair
Describe the 2 lymphatic drainage pathways.
-Right Lymphatic Duct (R side head, R arm, R torso)
-Thoracic Duct (all else)
What are lymphatic nodules in the intestine called?
Peyers Patches
What is the sac that receives lymph from the lower vessels/lumbar trunks before going to the spleen?
Cisterna Chyli
3 functions of the lymphatic system?
-drain interstitial fluid
-transport dietary lipids
-immune response
Where do B and T cells mature?
B: bone marrow
T: thymus using hormone thymosin
White pulp in spleen consists of?
Lymphocytes & Macrophages
What is hepatic immunology?
Liver: produces 30+ proteins that circulate and destroy pathogens