lx radiculopathy Flashcards
What is it?
Disorder that causes pain in the lower back and hip which radiates down the back of the thigh into the leg
Damage caused by the compression of nerve roots which exit spine - L1-S4
Compression results in tingling, radiating pain, numbness, paraesthesia and occasional shooting pain
Since disc herniations occur posterolaterally, the root that gets compressed is the root that exits the foramen below the herniated disc
E.g. Disc protrusion at L4/L5 will compress the L5 root and a protrusion at L5/S1 will compress the S1 root.
Lumbar radiculopathy - 3 to 5 % incidence
5-10% of patients with lbp have sciatica
Risk factors
Activities that place an excessive/repetitive load on the spine
Heavy labour/contact sports
Age (peak 45-64 years)
Mental stress
Strenuous physical activity (frequent lifting)
Clinical Presentation
Lesions of intervertebral discs and degenerative disease of the spine
Herniated disc with nerve root compression causes 90% of cases
Lumbar spinal stenosis
Special tests
Straight leg raise test
Femoral nerve stretch test