Lungs at altitude Flashcards
What is PiO2?
Pressure of inspired oxygen
What is PiGas?
PiGas = Patm (atmospheric pressure) x FiGas
What is the alveolar gas equation?
PAO2 = PiO2 - PaCO2/ R
A=Alveolar, a=arterial
R = 0.8 with a normal diet
R approx = 1 with primarily carbohydrate diet
R closer to 0.7 with fat rich diets
What is the arterial carbon dioxide equation?
PaCO2 = kVCO2 / VA
How is the death zone defined?
8000 metres
Altitude above which it is difficult to sustain life without added )2
All peaks over 8000m lie in Himalayas and Karakoram
How does barometric pressure change with altitude?
As altitude increases in metres, the Barometric pressure decreases but not as much as going down in sea water
What is the equation for Alveolar Arterial O2 difference?
PAO2 - PaO2 = (Approx) 1KPa
So if it is not 1, you know something is wrong
what is the alveolar arterial O2 difference?
Whilst normal pretty complete equilibration of O2, there normally is a small difference between alveolar and arterial oxygen partial pressure
What are the normal blood gases for O2, CO2 and pH
PaO2 = 10.5 - 13.5 KPa
PaCO2= 4.5 - 6.0 KPa
pH = 7.36 - 7.44
What is the normal response to hypoxia?
- Hyperventilation at 10000ft altitude
- Lowers PaCO2
- Alkalosis initially (Alkalosis occurs when your body has too many bases
- Tachycardia
Then over time you will adapt - pH normalises and as we start to elevate off sea level
Describe the oxygen dissociation curve
As we ascend…
- PiO2 falls (FiO2 remains constant)
- Decreased PAO2
- Decrease PaO2
- Peripheral chemoreceptors fire
- Activates increased ventilation, reducing PaCO2
- Increases PAO2 and PaO2
What happens when things go wrong at high altitude?
Acute mountain sickness (recent ascent over 2500m, must have a headache and one other symptom)
Descend; the only reliable treatment [o2, recompress, acetazolamide
What is High Altitude Pulmonary Oedema?
- Unacclimatised individuals
- Cough, shortness of breath
- Rapid ascent above 8000ft (2438m)
- 2-5 days
Treatment: - descend
- O2
What is High Altitude Cerebral Oedema?
- Serious
- AMS not a pre requisite
- Confusion
- Behaviour change
- Immediate descent
- Symptoms may resolve relatively quickly
Treatment: Descend or Gamow bag (last resort)
What is the altitude and atmospheric pressure when flying?
Altitude = 10000m
Atmospheric pressure = 21KPa
Effective Cabin Atmosphere = 1890m
Cabin pressure 81KPa
If on long term oxygen flow rates, will need to give them additional oxygen when flying