Lung step 3 Flashcards
best test to confirm endotracheal obstruction / best next step management
- flexible bronchoscopy
- ct
features of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
history of asthma or CF
infiltrates or central bronchiecasis
diagnosis: skin test + for asperg, eosinoph, specific IgG or IgE
diagnosis of PE in patients with high creatinine
ventilation-perfusion scan
hemoptysis - first step
chest x-ray
COPD exacerbation - signs / management
- increased sputum purulence
- increased sputum volume
- increased dyspnea
try antibiotics
fat embolism symptoms
- resp distress
- comfusion
- petechial rash
lung contusion - treatment
supportive care
Post intensive care syndrome - RF / pathophys
ICU delirium, ARDS, prolonged ventilation
- cns hypoxia, neuroinflammation + metabolic disruption
Post intensive care syndrome - clinical features
psychiatirc, neurocognitive, physical
Post intensive care syndrome - managment
early therapy (pt/ot) multidisciplinary post ICU
Post intensive care syndrome - prognosis
most require additional home care and nevere return to work
Refeeding syndrome
hypoP after initiation of total parental nutrition
potentially fatal shifts in fluids and electrolytes that may occur in malnourished patients receiving artificial refeeding (whether enterally or parenterally5). These shifts result from hormonal and metabolic changes and may cause serious clinical complications.
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis - treatment
systemic steroids +/- intraconazole or voriconazole
small cell - paraneoplastic
ACTH, SIADHM Lambert eaton
SCC - paraneoplastic