Lung immunology Flashcards
exaggerated immunological response to a foreign substance (allergen) which is either inhaled, swallowed, injected, or comes in contact with the skin or eye.
Allergy is a mechanism (not a disease).
– inability to consume or absorb/metabolise
hereditary predisposition to produce IgE
antibodies against common environmental allergens
(the genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases.)
– exaggerated response.
Atopic allergic reactions are characterised by
infiltration of Th2 cells and eosinophils
e.g. allergic rhinitis+ asthma
Atopic diseases
o Allergic rhinitis.
o Asthma.
o Atopic eczema
Upper airway disease example
Hay fever
▪ Allergic Rhino-conjunctivitis (seasonal and perennial) affects up to 17% of the population → THIS IS HAYFEVER.
▪ Allergens vary from grass pollens, tree pollens, weed pollens and fungal pollens (the levels of which vary from season to season).
▪ Common causes of hay fever and asthma include:
o House dust mite.
o Cats and dogs.
o Alternaria (a form of fungus).
o Cockroaches.
o Horses.
Example of middle/ lower airways disease
▪ Asthma is a very heterogeneous disease (many phenotypes):
o Intermittent, mild, allergy frequently
o Persistent, manageable, allergy
o Chronic/severe, infection (not allergy)
▪ Symptoms of asthma include cough, dyspnoea, wheezing, chest tightness and secretions (due to bronchoconstriction).
Example of middle/ lower airways disease
General symptoms:
Dizziness, seizures, loss of consiousness, anxiety, lip/ tongue swelling, laryngeal oedema, bronchoconstriction, tingling, vomiting, diarrhoea
▪ Causes include:
o Drugs (e.g. penicillin).
o Foods (e.g. nuts, milk, eggs fish etc.).
o Insect stings and latex.
▪ Relief though epinephrine injections.
▪ There is an overlap of atopic diseases such as hay fever AND asthma.
Example of lower/ distal airways disease
Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis ▪ EAA affects 0.1% of the population. ▪ Examples include: o Farmer’s Lung → mouldy hay. o Bird Fancier’s Lung → bird droppings. o Air conditioner Lung → air conditioner moulds.
1. Small allergen particles enter the alveolus and pass
into the interstitium.
2. Allergic responses occur when antibodies bind to the
allergens and stimulate a DTH (delayed- type hypersensitivity) response.
Pattern of allergic airway disease
gradual decrease in infectious disease while there has been an INCREASE in allergic and autoimmune diseases
How many diagnosed with asthma?
5.7m people
increase in hospital admissions due to anaphylactic shock from 1990 → 2000?
7x increase in hospital admissions due to anaphylactic shock from 1990 → 2000.
Rising trends of ?
Possible causes? (microbial+ non-microbial)
▪ Factors could be microbial:
o Water sanitation (less oro-faecal infections).
o Food quality (lack of fermenting bacteria).
o Poverty (high asthma rates in urban).
o Medical intervention.
▪ Factors could be non-microbial:
o Pollution (air, water, food).
o Diet and nutrition (lack of Vit-D, fish oil etc.).
o Obesity.
o Stress.
o Bad genes.
Principles of Treatment of allergic airway disease
o Allergen avoidance.
o Anti-allergic medication.
o Immunotherapy – desensitisation/hyposensitisation: Allergen-injection Immunotherapy.