Lung Cancer Flashcards
What is lung cancer?
Lung cancer is a disease of uncontrolled cell divisions in the tissues of the lungs. The cells continue to divide without any control and form tumours.
What are the main causes of lung cancer?
The main causes of any cancer include carcinogens (such as those in cigarette smoke), ionizing radiation and viral infection. Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. The risk of lung cancer is significantly lower in non-smokers.
What are the symptoms of lung cancer?
The most common symptoms re shortness of breath, coughing (including coughing up blood) and weight loss.
What is passive smoking and how is it a cause of lung cancer?
The inhalation of smoke from another’s smoking is called passive smoking. Passive smoking is also a cause of lung cancer as the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette is more dangerous than the smoke from the filter end. Cigarettes’ smoke is known to contain over 50 known carcinogens.
What is the treatment for lung cancer
Pneumonectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
What is the most common cause of cancer-related deaths all around the world?
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer related deaths with about 1.3 million deaths worldwide annually.