Lung Cancer Flashcards
Small-Cell Carcinoma
- central lesion
- aggressive
- SOB, inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone syndrome, supra vena cava syndrome
- peripheral bronchi lesion
- outside lung
- early metastasis to CNS, skeleton, and adrenal glands
- few local symptoms
- hypertrophy pulmonary osteaoarthropathy
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- large central bronchi lesion
- spreads by local invasion
- coughing, wheezing, SOB, dyspnea, hypercalcemia
Large-Cell Carcinoma
- peripheral lesion
- ‘digs in’ surrounding tissues
- gynecomastia, thrombophlebitis
- spreads locally
- early metastasis
Lung Cancer Etiology
- damaged bronchial epithelial cells mutate to become neoplastic
- genetic mutation
- alteration in tumor suppressor gene
Lung Cancer Risk Factors
- Age >50
- genetic predisposition
- smoking (more smoking over longer periods increases risk)
- former smoker
- exposure to ionizing radiation, inhalants, radon
Clinical Manifestations
- related to tumor size and location
- chronic cough
- hemoptysis
- wheezing, dyspnea
- dull, aching chest pain
- hoarseness or dysphagia
- pain later stage
Primary goal is ______
- smoking cessation
- screening (annual xray)
- workplace safety
- early diagnosis improves prognosis
Pharmacologic therepies
- chemotherapy with radiation is treatment of choice for small-cell cancer dueto its rapid growth, dissemination,and sensitivity to cytotoxic drugs
- used to ‘eradicate’
-increases effectiveness
- Bronchodialators to manage airway
- analgesics for pain management
Radiation therapies
- goal of treatment may be palliative
- used to ‘shrink’ tumor
-brachytherapy is inserted radioactive device placed near tumor for more direct effect.
Laser bronchoscopy
description and used for
- broncoscopy with guided laser to re-sect tumor
- localized tumors in main bronchus
description and used for
- visualization using an endoscope passed through suprasternal incision
- evaluation and biopsy of mediastinal tumor andl ymph nodes
description and used for
- incision into chest wall
- assess lung and thoracic cavity for surgery
Wedge Resection
description and used for
- Removal of small section (wedge) of peripheral tissue
- small peripheral lung tumors
Segmental Resection
description and used for
- removal of bronchovascular segment of lobe
- peripheral lung tumor with no evidence of extension to chest wall or metastasis
Sleeve Resection (Bronchoplastic Reconstruction) description and used for
- Resection of major bronchus with reconstruction or remaining normal bronchus
- small lesion of major bronchus
description and used for
- removal of single lung lobe
- tumor well confined to single lobe
description and used for
- removal of entire lung
- tumor widespread throughout whole lung
Lung Cancer Nurse Priorities
- obtain family and medical history
- educate on prevention
- maintaining oxygenation
- chest percussion to aide secretion mobilization
- observe for development of supra vena cava syndrome (facial edema upon waking, hypotension, perfusion problems, skin discolorations)
Nursing Diagnosis for Lung Cancer
- altered gas exchange
- ineffective breathing pattern
- activity intolerance
- pain
- anticipatory grieving
Respiratory assessment compared to lung assessment
respiratory- gas exchange
lung-mechanism of breathing