Lung cancer Flashcards
Scenario: 70 yr old smoker, COPD with small cell lung cancer. Histology report saying carcinoid invading pleura and lymph nodes
What are the signs of aggressiveness of tumour?
-Lymph nodes
-Invading pleura
What is the pathogenesis of clubbing?
Various hypotheses have been propsed
–> some research found significantly higher plasma growth hormone levels in patients with lung carcinoma and clubbing than patients without clubbing
–> platelet clusters lodged in the peripheral vasculature of the digitis release platelet derived growth factor and lead to the vascularity, permeability and connective tissue changes that are the hallmark of clubbing
Pancoast paraneoplastic syndrome, what hormones?
ACTH causing cushing’s syndrome
What is the technique for FISH?
-Fluorescence in situ hybridisation
-Cytogenetic technique which uses fluorescent probes binding part of the chromosome to show a high degree of sequence complementarity
-Fluorescence microscopy can be used to find out where the fluorescent probe bound to the chromosome
Scenario: 70 yr old smoker, COPD with small cell lung cancer. Histology report saying carcinoid invading pleura and lymph nodes
6 months later the patient returned with back pain. Why?
Bone metastasis
Define an adenocarcinoma
A cancer that forms in mucus secreting glands throughout the body. The disease may develop in many different parts of the body, but is most prevalent in the following cancers:
Define emphysema
Emphysema is a lung condition that causes shortness of breath. In people with emphysema, the alveoli are damaged. Over time, the walls of the alveoli weaken and rupture, creating larger air spaces instead of many small ones
What are paraneoplastic syndromes?
Symptom complexes that occur in patients with cancer and that cannot be readily explained by local or distant spread of the tumour or by the elaboration of hormones indigenous to the tissue of origin of the tumour are referred to as paraneoplastic syndromes
Give some examples of paraneoplastic syndromes
-The most common paraneoplastic syndromes are hypercalcaemia, cushing’s syndrome and hypercoagulability (including venous thrombosis, non bacterial thrombotic endocarditis)
-The neoplasms most commonly associated with these and other syndromes are lung and breast ca, as well as haematologic malignancy
-Other manifestations are clubbing of the fingers and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy in patients with lung carcinomas
Describe most common cancers and mechanism associated with hypercalcaemia as paraneoplastic syndrome
–> SCC of lung
–> Breast ca
–> RCC
–> Adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma
–> parathyroid hormone-related protein
–> TGF alpha
Describe most common cancers associated with cushing’s and mechanism
-SCC of lung
-Pancreatic ca
-Neural tumours
–> ACTH or ACTH like substance
Scenario: a young indian lady came back from foreign travel with cervical lymphadenopathy (anterior triangle mass), loss of weight, night sweats.
What is the differential diagnosis?
-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (more in this age group and involves cervical lymph nodes more commonly)
Scenario: a young indian lady came back from foreign travel with cervical lymphadenopathy (anterior triangle mass), loss of weight, night sweats.
Which labs will you send her sputum to?
-Microbiology and cytology labs
What are the tests for TB?
-Sputum examination (culture, ziehl Neelsen stain)
-Mantoux test
-PCR to differentiate mycobacteria tuberculosis from other species
-QuantiFERON (interferon gamma assays)
-FNAC of lymph node
How would you label the sputum specimen?
-Category-B UN3373 (infectious substance)