Luke w/verses Flashcards
Prophecy of John to Zechariah
Luke 1:5-25
Prophecy of Jesus to Mary
Luke 1:26-38
Elizabeth connects Mary; Magnificat
Luke 1:39-55
Birth of John the Batpist
Luke 1:56-66
Zechariah prophesying over John the Baptist
Luke 1:67-80
Jesus’s birth
Luke 2:1-7
Shepherd’s witness Angelic praises and meeting Baby Jesus
Luke 2:8-20
Jesus’ presentation at the temple
Luke 2:22-24
Prophecy of Simeon
Luke 2:25-35
Testimony of Anna
Luke 2:36-40
Young Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
Ministry of John the Baptist
Luke 3:1-18
Baptism of Jesus
Luke 3:21-22
Genealogy of Jesus
Luke 3:23-38
Temptation of Jesus
Luke 4:1-13
The beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee
Luke 4:14-15
Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth
Luke 4:16-30
Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum
Luke 4:31-44
Call of the disciples
Luke 5:1-11
Healing a Leper
Luke 5:12-16
Healing and Forgiving a paralytic
Luke 5:17-26
The call of Levi; Eating with Sinners
Luke 5:27-32
The Parable of the wineskins
Luke 5:33-39
Lord of the Sabbath
Luke 6:1-5
Healing a withered Hand
Luke 6:6-11
Choosing the twelve Apostles
Luke 6:12-16
The sermon on the plain
Luke 6:17-36
Do not judge others
Luke 6:37-49
Healing the Centurion’s slave
Luke 7:1-10
Resurrection a widow’s Son
Luke 7:11-17
Jesus speaking on him and John the Baptist
Luke 7:18-35
Jesus’ anointed by sinner woman & parable of the two debtors
Luke 7:36-50
Women supporting the Gospel
Luke 8:1-3
Parable of the sower & explanation
Luke 8:4-15
Parable of the lamp
Luke 8:16-18
Jesus’s “mother and brothers” ; true relations
Luke 8:19-21
Jesus calms a storm
Luke 8:22-25
Jesus drives out legion
Luke 8:26-39
The bleeding woman and healing Jairus’s daughter
Luke 8:40-56
Jesus sends out the 12
Luke 9:1-6
Herod confused about Jesus
Luke 9:7-9
Jesus feeds the 5K
Luke 9:10-17
Peter’s confession
Luke 9:18-22
Call to discipleship
Luke 9:23-27
Luke 9:28-36
Healing of boy with an unclean spirit
Luke 9:37-43
Jesus predicts his death
Luke 9:44-45
Concerning the greatest
Luke 9:46-48
Whoever is not against you
Luke 9:49-50
Rejection in Samaria
Luke 9:51-56
Challenging Followers
Luke 9:57-62
Sending out the 72
Luke 10:1-24
Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37
Jesus and Martha
Luke 10:38-42
Instructions on prayer, asking and seeking
Luke 11:1-13
Jesus and Beelzebul
Luke 11:14-23
An unclean spirt going out
Luke 11:24-28
Sign of Jonah
Luke 11:29-32
Parable of the Lamp
Luke 11:33-36
Woe to the Pharisees and Scribes
Luke 11:37-53
Fear God, not man
Luke 12:1-12
Parable of the rich fool
Luke 12:13-21
Luke 12:22-34
Faithful stewardship
Luke 12:35-48
Not peace, but division
Luke 12:49-53
Reading the signs
Luke 12:54-56
Clearing debts
Luke 12:57-59
Luke 13:1-5
Barren fig tree
Luke 13:6-9
Healing on the Sabbath
Luke 13:10-17
Comparing the Kingdom
Luke 13:18-21
The Narrow door
Luke 13:22-30
Going to Jerusalem
Luke 13:31-35
Healing on th Sabbath pt 2
Luke 14:1-6
Seeing seats of Honor
Luke 14:7-14
Parable of the Great Banquet
Luke 14:15-24
Counting the costs
Luke 14:25-35
Parable of the lost sheep & coin
Luke 15:1-10
Prodigal son
Luke 15:1-32
Parable of the poor manager
Luke 16:1-13
“What is highly prized among men is utterly detestable in God’s sight”
Luke 16:14-15
“The law and the prophets were in force until John; since then…”
Luke 16:16-17
“Everyone who divorces his wife…”
Luke 16:18
The rich man and Lazarus
Luke 16:19-31
Sin, Forgiveness, Faith and Service
Luke 17:1-10
The grateful Leper
Luke 17:11-19
“The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed…”
Luke 17:20-21
The coming of the Son of Man
Luke 17:22-37