Luke Flashcards
Prophecy of John to Zechariah
Luke 1
Prophecy of Jesus to Mary
Luke 1
Elizabeth connects Mary; Magnificat
Luke 1
Birth of John the Batpist
Luke 1
Zechariah prophesying over John the Baptist
Luke 1
Jesus’s birth
Luke 2
Shepherd’s witness Angelic praises and meeting Baby Jesus
Luke 2
Jesus’ presentation at the temple
Luke 2
Prophecy of Simeon
Luke 2
Testimony of Anna
Luke 2
Young Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2
Ministry of John the Baptist
Luke 3
Baptism of Jesus
Luke 3
Genealogy of Jesus
Luke 3
Temptation of Jesus
Luke 4
The beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee
Luke 4
Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth
Luke 4
Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum
Luke 4
Call of the disciples
Luke 5
Healing a Leper
Luke 5
Healing and Forgiving a paralytic
Luke 5
The call of Levi; Eating with Sinners
Luke 5
The Parable of the wineskins
Luke 5
Lord of the Sabbath
Luke 6
Healing a withered Hand
Luke 6
Choosing the twelve Apostles
Luke 6
The sermon on the plain
Luke 6
Do not judge others
Luke 6
Healing the Centurion’s slave
Luke 7
Resurrection a widow’s Son
Luke 7
Jesus speaking on him and John the Baptist
Luke 7
Jesus’ anointed by sinner woman & parable of the two debtors
Luke 7
Women supporting the Gospel
Luke 8
Parable of the sower & explanation
Luke 8
Parable of the lamp
Luke 8
Jesus’s “mother and brothers” ; true relations
Luke 8
Jesus calms a storm
Luke 8
Jesus drives out legion
Luke 8
The bleeding woman and healing Jairus’s daughter
Luke 8
Jesus sends out the 12
Luke 9
Herod confused about Jesus
Luke 9
Jesus feeds the 5K
Luke 9
Peter’s confession
Luke 9
Call to discipleship
Luke 9
Luke 9
Healing of boy with an unclean spirit
Luke 9
Jesus predicts his death
Luke 9
Concerning the greatest
Luke 9
Whoever is not against you
Luke 9
Rejection in Samaria
Luke 9
Challenging Followers
Luke 9
Sending out the 72
Luke 10
Good Samaritan
Luke 10
Jesus and Martha
Luke 10
Instructions on prayer, asking and seeking
Luke 11
Jesus and Beelzebul
Luke 11
An unclean spirt going out
Luke 11
Sign of Jonah
Luke 11
Parable of the Lamp
Luke 11
Woe to the Pharisees and Scribes
Luke 11
Fear God, not man
Luke 12
Parable of the rich fool
Luke 12
Luke 12
Faithful stewardship
Luke 12
Not peace, but division
Luke 12
Reading the signs
Luke 12
Clearing debts
Luke 12
Luke 13
Barren fig tree
Luke 13
Healing on the Sabbath
Luke 13
Comparing the Kingdom
Luke 13
The Narrow door
Luke 13
Going to Jerusalem
Luke 13
Healing on th Sabbath pt 2
Luke 14
Seeing seats of Honor
Luke 14
Parable of the Great Banquet
Luke 14
Counting the costs
Luke 14
Parable of the lost sheep & coin
Luke 15
Prodigal son
Luke 15
Parable of the poor manager
Luke 16
“What is highly prized among men is utterly detestable in God’s sight”
Luke 16
“The law and the prophets were in force until John; since then…”
Luke 16
“Everyone who divorces his wife…”
Luke 16
The rich man and Lazarus
Luke 16
Sin, Forgiveness, Faith and Service
Luke 17
The grateful Leper
Luke 17
“The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed…”
Luke 17
The coming of the Son of Man
Luke 17