Lucy's vlogs Flashcards
1ю Put out a survey
провести опрос / turn off the light / stop burning / to cause trouble / to upset or annoy
Drastic [ˈdræs.tɪk]
1. Many employees have had to take drastic cuts in pay.
2. Their budget has been drastically reduced.
- (especially of actions) severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects / радикальный
- кардинально, радикально
Mundane - Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.
very ordinary and therefore not interesting: скучный, однообразный
1. He treats her really badly.
2. He treated my suggestion as a joke.
3. He is being treated for a rare skin disease.
4 .I’m going to treat her to dinner at that nice Italian restaurant.
5. a birthday treat / As a special treat I’m taking him out for dinner. / Annie, put your money away, this is my treat (= I am paying).
- to behave towards or deal with someone in a particular way: обращаться, обходиться (с кем-либо)
- to consider something in a particular way:
- to give medical care to someone for an illness or injury: лечить
- to do or buy something special for someone: угощать, доставлять удовольствие
- N: something special that you buy or do for someone else: подарок, угощение
Is this full of treats?
Здесь полно угощений?
a piece of electrical equipment that you heat up and move through sections of your hair to make it straight
1. Where’s the cord that ties back the curtains?
Baking tray
a sheet of metal with low sides, used for baking food: Противень
Filet [ˈfɪl.eɪ]
chicken/cod filets /filet of beef
a piece of meat or fish without bones:
a bamboo salad bowl
бамбуковая салатница
1. a soup spoon
2. a teaspoon
1. a non-stick frying pan
2. Non-stick liner
A non-stick cooking pan or tool has a special surface that prevents food from sticking to it:
2. Антипригарный вкладыш/подкадка | baker glide
Fall apart
1. My poor old boots are falling apart.
to break into pieces: Развалиться
a curved piece of wire, wood, or plastic on which clothes are hung while they are being stored
I’ve gotten into the habit recently of serving little nibbles before the dinner
Недавно у меня появилась привычка подавать небольшие закуски перед ужином.
a small room or large cupboard in a house where food is kept: кладовая
Stock cube
бульонный кубик
1. a savoury dish/sauce/flavour
2. A pie can be sweet or savoury.
Savoury food is salty or spicy and not sweet in taste: Пикантный
1. Drain the pasta thoroughly.
2. We drained the pond and filled it with fresh water.
if you drain something, you remove the liquid from it, usually by pouring it away or allowing it to flow away, and if something drains, liquid flows away or out of it: (Remove liquid : осушать)
1. a nifty piece of work
2. a nifty little gadget
good, pleasing, or effective: изящный
Charred tomatoes
1. Grill the peppers until the skin starts to char.
Обугленные помидоры
1. to burn / обугливать
a plant of the onion family that has a strong taste and smell and is used in cooking to add flavour:
1. A large range of herbs and spices are used in South Asian cooking
a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavour to particular dishes or in making medicine:
1. Certain ingredients and cooking methods tenderize tough foods.
2. I tenderise the salmon with the lemon first
to make food easy to cut or chew: смягчать
Asparagus [əˈspær.ə.ɡəs]
Take cherry tomatoes off the vine
Снимите помидоры черри с лозы
Thyme [taɪm]
Cumin [ˈkjuː.mɪn]
1. The fire spread very rapidly because of the strong wind.
2. The virus is spread through contact with blood and other body fluids.
3. He spread the cards out on the table.
4. He spread a thin layer of glue on the paper.
5. The smoke soon spread into all the rooms in the house.
Распрострарнение, распротсраняться, раскладывать, распределять,
Spread out
1. They spread out to search the whole area.
2. Soldiers spread out among the trees.
- If people spread out, they move from being close together in a group to being in different places across a larger area:
- разложить
Hose [həʊz]
1. He put on his bathrobe and slippers.
2. a pair of slippers
a type of soft, comfortable shoe for wearing inside the house:
Have a sniff
1. I went to the gym yesterday, but I think I overdid it a bit.
2. you’ve overdone yourself
to do something in a way that is too extreme: переусердствовать
1. fried/grilled pork sausages
колбаса, сосика
You want your tummy rubbed
1. Do you want these files deleted?
2. Do you want your computer fixed?
Ты хочешь, чтобы тебе погладили животик
1. The trees shed their leaves in autumn
2. They ran down to the water, shedding clothes as they went
3. A lot of companies are shedding jobs
4. Shed blood / She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.
- to get rid of something that you do not want or need
- to lose a covering, such as leaves, hair, or skin, because it falls off naturally, or to drop something in a natural way or by accident: сбрасывать
- to allow tears or blood to flow: пролить
1. The heat from the explosion seared their hands and faces.
to burn the surface of something with sudden very strong heat: обжигать
1. He carved her name on a tree.
2. Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural, some were carved out (= cut into the rock) by soldiers for defensive purposes.
to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc.: вырезать, резать, высекать
Carve something up
1. The Nazi-Soviet pact carved up the Baltic states in 1939.
to divide something into smaller parts, in a way that people do not approve of
1. Emily scraped away the dead leaves to reveal the tiny shoot of a new plant.
2. I was woken up by the noise of branches scraping against my bedroom window.
to remove an unwanted covering or a top layer from something, especially using a sharp edge or something rough: царапать, скребсти, счищать, обдирать
1. You need to screw the cabinet to the wall.
Винт, закручивать
Screw something up
1. I totally screwed up the chemistry exam.
2. Just don’t screw up this time.
to make a mistake, or to spoil something:
Sit around
1. We sat around most of the evening, waiting for Jake and drinking beer.
to spend time sitting down and doing very little: сидеть без дела
шпатель, лопаточка
1. drip marks underneath
2. She dripped paint on the carpet.
3. Watch out - the candle’s dripping.
4. drips of paint/sweat
- If a liquid drips, it falls in drops, or you make it fall in drops: капать, стекать
- Капля, капельница
1. I gave her a plate of food but she pushed it aside.
2. We’ve put some money aside to pay for the children’s education.
3. Let’s leave that matter aside for now and talk about the more urgent problem facing us.
- в сторону
- в сторону, на потом
Coat (as a verb)
1. Stir the rice until it is coated with butter.
2. When the biscuits are cool, you coat them in melted chocolate.
- to cover something with a thin layer of something: покрывать слоем (чего-либо)
Saucy [ˈsɔːsi]
a saucy postcard/joke
slightly rude, or referring to sex in a funny way: игривый, слегка неприличный
1. a chocolate bar
2. gold bars
3. There were bars on the downstairs windows.
- a small block of something solid: кусок, плитка, слиток
- a long, thin piece of metal or wood: перекладина, решетка
Leftover - adjective / Leftovers - noun
1. We’ve been eating up the leftovers from the party all week.
2. If there’s any leftover food we can take it home with us.
- food that remains after a meal
- Leftover food remains after a meal. (оставшийся (о еде))
Excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] / excessively
1. They accused the police of using excessive force.
- more than is necessary or wanted: излишний, чрезмерный
Take it out of someone
1. That took it out of me
2. Running around after 25 preschoolers takes it out of me by the end of the week.
to make someone very tired
1. Это выбило из меня все силы
1. steamed rice
2. a steaming bowl of soup
N: пар
V: to cook something using steam / to produce steam
1. Drugs are too easy to get ahold of.
2. I’d like to get ahold of Debbie and talk to her about this.
3. I grabbed ahold of his legs and held on so he could not get away.
4. Once the drugs get ahold of you, it just changes you completely.
- get ahold of something: to get something:
- get ahold of someone: to find or communicate with someone:
- grab, take, etc. ahold of something/someone: to take hold of something or someone:
- get, grab, etc. ahold of something/someone: to get power or control over someone or something:
1. Let’s brave the snow and go for a walk (= go for a walk even though it is snowing).
2. She braved the wrath of her parents by refusing to marry the man they had chosen.
3. Crowds braved the cold weather to watch the game.
A: Храбрый
V: to deal with an unpleasant or difficult situation: , пренебрегать, бросать вызов
a stack of ham
стопка ветчины
a carton of milk
пакет молока
1. It’s very selfish of him.
2. How selfish of me
3. You are selfish
I’m in my beautiful fluorescent [flɔːˈres.ənt] lit kitchen
Я на своей прекрасной кухне с люминесцентным освещением.
- He lit the candle.
- She lit a fire in the fireplace.
freak (someone) out
1. This song just freaks me out whenever I hear it.
2. He freaked out when he heard he’d got the job.
to become or cause someone to become extremely emotional: шокировать, пугать, выводить из себя
mayonnaise [meɪəˈneɪz] = mayo [ˈmeɪ.əʊ]
Do you want mayo or ketchup?
1. The only thing in the fridge was a jar of mustard
2. First, place 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard in a bowl.
1. a ham sandwich
1. He has a job as a forklift truck driver.
a vehicle with two bars in the front for moving and lifting heavy goods: грузоподъемник
Come over
1. Come over here!
2. Is your family coming over from Greece for the wedding?
3. Come over here and I’ll do your hair for you
to come to a place, move from one place to another, or move towards someone: приходить, приезжать
out of place
1. The boy looked uncomfortable and out of place among the adults.
2. Lucy: It’s time to hop back in very out of place Mini Cooper
3. His shorts and T-shirt looked out of place in the office.
in the wrong place or looking wrong: неуместный
1. to hop on a plane/train/ in a car
2. Rabbits were hopping across the field.
3. I tried to hop on my good foot while holding onto Jim.
скакать на одной ноге, прыгать, запрыгивать, выпрыгивать, прыжок
1. I looked under the bonnet and clouds of smoke poured out.
a type of hat that covers the ears and is tied under the chin, worn by babies or, especially in the past, by women: Чепчик
the metal cover over the part of a car where the engine is: капот
1. fridges, radios, and other electrical appliances
a piece of electrical equipment with a particular purpose in the home: бытовой прибор
1. to do the laundry
2. a laundry basket
clothes, sheets, etc that need to be washed: белье для стирки
Fragrance [ˈfreɪ.ɡrəns]
1. the delicate fragrance of roses
2. a brand new fragrance for men
a sweet or pleasant smell: аромат, благоухание, духи
1. This fabric is similar to wool, only cheaper.
2. cotton fabrics
3. dress fabric
Tumble dryer
a machine that dries wet clothes by turning them in hot air: сушильная машина
Heated rail
1. Hold onto the rail so that you don’t fall.
рельс с подогревом
rail = bar
1. a measuring scoop
2. an ice-cream scoop
3. Just one scoop of mashed potato for me, please.
4. The paper managed to secure [sɪˈkjʊər]a major scoop and broke the scandal to the world.
5. Scoop out the melon with a spoon.
6. He scooped the sand into a bucket.
- a tool with a deep bowl-shaped end that is used to dig out and move a soft substance or powder: совок, ложка, ковш
- сенсационная новость (опубликованная раньше, чем в других изданиях)
- to use a scoop to dig out and move an amount of something: зачерпывать, вычерпывать, черпать
Rape [reɪp]
1. She was raped as a young girl.
2. He had committed several rapes.
3. She was pulled from the car and raped.
- to force someone to have sex when they do not want to: насиловать
- the crime of forcefully having sex with someone against their wishes: изнасилование
- Plant: рапс
1. These flowers will bloom all through the summer.
2. Their romance bloomed while they were in Paris.
3. beautiful, pink blooms
N: a flower on a plant
V: When a flower blooms, it opens or is open, and when a plant or tree blooms it produces flowers: цвести, расцветать
1. There’s a bubbling stream that flows through their property.
2. There has been a steady stream of phone calls from worried customers.
3. Tears were streaming down her face.
4. a constant stream of traffic
N: Ручей, поток, струя, вереница
V: течь, струиться
Dabble [ˈdæbl]
1. He first dabbled in politics when he was at law school.
2. She dabbled with drugs at university.
3. I only dabble in politics.
to try something or take part in an activity in a way that is not serious: заниматься поверхностно, баловаться
1. They have done a tremendous amount in marketing and promoting their products, particularly the daffodils.
1. In spring the trees are covered in buds.
2. It was springtime and the fruit trees were in bud.
a part of a plant that develops into a leaf or a flower: почка, бутон
1. It’s a steep climb to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it.
2. There has been a steep increase/rise in prices.
3. Hotel prices are steep at $300 for a room.
4. Food prices have risen steeply.
5. The town is steeped in history.
6. We had pears steeped in red wine for dessert.
Adj: A steep slope, hill, etc goes up or down very quickly: крутой, резкий, дорогой
V: быть насыщенным, пропитанным чем-либо
Beekeeping [ˈbiːˌkiː.pɪŋ]
1. For some people beekeeping is just a hobby that they enjoy.
1. The ladder started to wobble.
2. Stop wobbling the table.
3. That bookcase wobbles whenever you put anything on it.
1. The property has a certain rustic charm.
2. We stayed in rustic cabins, with no electricity.
simple and often rough in appearance; typical of the countryside: деревенский
2. cabin - a small, simple house made of wood:
- It was slim pickin’s I must admit
Сбор, собирание
- Должен признать, это был тонкий выбор.
1. It never fails to enrage me
2. He was enraged at the article about him.
3. Farmers are enraged by the government’s refusal to help.
to cause someone to become very angry: приводить в ярость
give something a go
1. If I got the opportunity I’d certainly give it a go.
2. We’ve got nothing to lose so let’s give it a go.
to attempt something: попробывать
be into something
1. Will’s really into jazz.
2. Mike tries to be into what I’m into.
to be very interested in something: увлекаться чем-то
1. They decided to postpone their holiday until next year.
2. We’ve had to postpone going to France because the children are ill.
to delay an event and plan or decide that it should happen at a later date or time: откладывать, отсрочивать
call (something) out
1. Don’t just call the answers out - raise your hand.
2. We had to call out a doctor.
3. If he did anything wrong, I’d be the first to call him out on it.
- to say something in a loud voice:
- to ask someone to come in order to do a job, especially when it is an emergency:
- to criticize someone or ask them to explain their actions:
Lemon zest
1. Learn How to Zest a Lemon five different ways using kitchen tools and utensils you already have on hand.
Лимонная цедра
1. Let’s not get too cocky—things could still go wrong.
2. When I got my first job I was just a cocky teenager.
very confident, usually in a way that is slightly annoying: нахальный, много о себе мнящий, самоуверенный
Set off
1. We set off for London just after ten.
2. Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.
3. Opening this door will set off the alarm.
4. A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the street.
- to begin a journey
- to start a process or series of events
- to make an alarm start ringing
- to make a bomb, etc. explode
1. Birds were flitting from tree to tree. / In the fading light we saw bats flitting around/about in the garden.
2. She’s always flitting from one thing to another
3. A ghost of a smile flitted across his face.
to move quickly and lightly from one place to place: порхать, перелетать, переселяться
1. She’s so fickle - she’s never been interested in the same man for more than a week!
2. The world of popular music is notoriously fickle.
likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason: непостоянный
Someone who is fickle often changes their opinion about things.
1. The school has now switched from white bread to wholewheat bread for all its sandwiches.
2. The old windmill still produces wholewheat flour using the traditional method.
Flour [flaʊər]
1. These Vietnamese pancakes are made of rice flour, and so thin you can read a newspaper through them.
powder made from grain, especially wheat, used for making bread, cakes, pasta, pastry, etc.: мука
Wheat [wiːt]
1. wheat fields
2. In the US, winter wheat is harvested in the early summer.
3. The new varieties of wheat are good growers even in poor soil.
1. The pear tree they planted has never borne fruit.
1. We had one doozy of a contest.
2. There was a doozy of an accident at the corner of Vine and Maple this morning.
something special or unusual, especially something unusually bad: дурацкий?
Wind[waɪnd]-wound[waʊnd]-wound - wind sth around/round, etc sth
1. She wound the rope around the tree.
2. He wound a small bandage round her finger.
to twist or wrap around: обматывать
Wound [wuːnd]
1. a gunshot wound
a damaged area of the body, such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh made by a weapon: (an injure) ранение
Fight back
1. Jones has denied the charge and has fought back publicly. / He fought back and managed to wrestle the knife from his attacker’s hands.
2. She fought back the tears as she watched her brother go.
- to defend yourself when someone or something attacks you or causes problems for you: отбиваться, сопротивляться
- to try hard not to show a strong emotion:
1. a cinnamon bun / a hamburger bun
2. She wore her hair in a bun.
- Булочка
- a woman’s hairstyle where the hair is brought together into a round shape at the back of the head: пучок(волосы)
1. His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca.
2. He’s got an interview today, hence the suit.
that is the reason or explanation for: Therefore / следовательно
1. Sparks were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere.
2. You can start a fire by rubbing two dry pieces of wood together until you produce a spark.
Flawless [adjective] / flaw [noun / adjective] - ?
1. She has a flawless complexion.
2. a flawless performance
perfect or without mistakes: безупречный / изъян, недостаток с дефектом
curl [noun / verb]
1. Her hair fell in curls over her shoulders. / a child with blonde curls
2. The cat curled its tail around its body. / A new baby will automatically curl its fingers round any object it touches.
- something with a small, curved shape, especially a piece of hair: локон, завиток
- to make something into the shape of a curl, or to be this shape: изгибать(ся), закручивать(ся)
1. The ball bounced high into the air. / Her bag bounced (= moved up and down) against her side as she walked.
2. The children loved bouncing on the bed.
3. Sarah bounced into the room with a big smile on her face.
4. This shampoo will give your hair bounce and shine.
- to hit a surface and then move quickly away, or to make something do this: отскакивать
- to jump up and down several times on a soft surface: подпрыгивать
- bounce along/around/into, etc: to move somewhere in a happy and energetic way: нестись, врываться
- an act of bouncing, or the quality that makes something able to bounce: скачок, упругость
bobby pin / hairpin
Wrap it around my finger
Оберните это вокруг моего пальца
1. A coil of rope lay on the beach.
2. Her hair was coiled in a bun on top of her head.
- a long piece of wire, rope, etc curled into several circles: бухта (каната), виток, кольцо, катушка
- to arrange something in a coil: закручивать(ся), свертывать(ся) кольцом
Have it tight / Hold it tight
Держи это крепко
1. Her hair hung down in ringlets.
a curled piece of long hair: локон, колечко
1. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.
2. a strand of hair
3. a strand of cotton
a thin thread of something, often one of a few, twisted around each other to make a string or rope: прядь
Tuck - заправить
1. She was wearing a blonde wig.
a covering of artificial hair worn on the head to hide a loss of hair or to cover your own hair:
1. She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.
2. She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears.
3. a dab of lipstick
- to touch something with quick, light touches, or to put a substance on something with quick, light touches: слегка прикасаться, прикладывать, мазать, промокнуть
- a small amount of something: легкое прикосновение, мазок
Spray in some dry shampoo
Распылите немного сухого шампуня
Pot of soil
Горшок с почвой
Pansies (pansy)
Анютины глазки
1. It takes about three days for the seeds to sprout.
2. Your hair is sticking up - it looks like you’re sprouting horns!
- to produce leaves, hair, or other new developing parts, or (of leaves, hair, and other developing parts) to begin to grow: пускать ростки, проростать
- a part of a plant that is just beginning to grow: росток
Violet (viola)
Фиалка, фиолетовый
1. Polly spends hours in the stables grooming her pony.
2. The cat still sat on its wall, grooming itself.
3. Popular ski trails are groomed as often as once a day.
4. My boss is grooming me to take over his job next year.
5. The girls groomed their hair.
Groomed (adj)
- to clean an animal, often by brushing its fur: ухаживать, чистить лошадь
- to make the surface of snow smoother, flatter, or harder so it is easier to ski on:
- to prepare someone for a special job or activity: готовить к определенному роду деятельности
- a bridegroom: жених
- Конюх
- Groomed - ухоженный
1. The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice.
2. We had a record crop of grapes this year.
3. Her hair was cut in a short crop.
4. He had his hair cropped when he went into the army.5
5. He cropped the photo so that only the face remained.
6. The carrots have cropped (= grown) well this year.
- a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable that is grown in large amounts by farmers: сельскохозяйственная культура
- the amount of plants of a particular type that are produced at one time: урожай
- a short hairstyle:
- to make something shorter or smaller, especially by cutting:
- to remove some or all of the edges from a picture, leaving only the most important part:
- If a plant crops, it produces fruit, flowers, etc.:
Germinate [ˈdʒɜː.mɪ.neɪt]
1. The beans will only germinate if the temperature is warm enough.
If a seed germinates or is germinated, it begins to grow: прорастать, давать росток
1. bamboo shoots
2. Two weeks after we’d planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear.
the first part of a plant to appear above the ground as it develops from a seed, or any new growth on an already existing plant: побег, росток
1. These ones are looking a bit bare
2. Don’t walk around outside in your bare feet.
3. a bare chest
4. The cupboard was bare.
5. Tony’s salary only covers the bare essentials for the family.
6. He bared his chest.
7. The dog bared its teeth.
- without any clothes or not covered by anything: голый, босой, неприкрытый
- пустой
- including only the smallest amount that you need of something: минимальный, скудный
- to take away the thing that is covering something so that it can be seen: обнажать, скалить
1. A garden hose reel
Fold [fəʊld]
1. Can you help me fold the sheets?
2. He folded the letter in half.
3. I folded up the table and put it away.
4. a folding chair
5. She folded her baby in a blanket.
6. She sat with her legs folded under her.
7. I’ve just finished folding some washing, some drying actually
- If you fold paper, cloth, etc, you bend it so that one part of it lies flat on top of another part: складывать, сгибать
- to make something such as a chair or table smaller or flatter by closing it or bending it together: складывать (стул, стол и т. д.)
- сгиб, складка
Lint tray
Лоток для ворса
1. She claimed that the man had been stalking her for a month.
2. Cynthia says those flowers have pretty tall stalks.
3. an apple stalk
V: Выслеживать, преследовать
N: Стебель, stem
a shelf below a window, either inside or outside a building: подоконник
1. I’m batch cooking a huge amount of my favorite dish
2. The cook brought in a fresh batch of homemade cupcakes.
a group of things or people that are dealt with at the same time or are similar in type: партия, группа
1. Я готовлю порционно огромное количество своего любимого блюда
1. a pork chop
2. Pork loin
3. roast[rəʊst] pork
meat from a pig, eaten as food:
1. свиная отбивная
2. Свиная корейка
Chicken broth
бульон из курицы
1. For Thanksgiving, we always have turkey with all the trimmings.
2. It goes without saying that the resort has the obligatory beautiful beach, tennis courts, spa, and all the trimmings.
- extra dishes that are often eaten with a main dish: гарнир
- extra things that complete or improve the appearance of something:
1. This recipe takes four cloves of garlic.
one separate part in a root of garlic: зубок чеснока
blooper [noun]
1. blooper reel
1.1 The blooper reel shows the actress forgetting her own character’s name.
1.2 Go on, this is the blooper reel
a funny mistake made by an actor during the making of a film or television programme and usually removed before the film or programme is shown: ляп
1. a film consisting of a series of bloopers (= funny mistakes), shown, for example, at the end of the film or programme that the mistakes come from: катушка с ляпами
Have a hangover
1. I had a terrible hangover the next morning.
be hungover
2. That was a great party last night, but I’m really hungover this morning.
a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol: похмелье
oats [əʊts]
1. a field of oats
2. These biscuits contain oats.
a plant that is a type of grass, or its grain used in baking and cooking or to feed animals: овес
1. His game is a notch above any other player’s.
2. Interest rates have moved up another notch.
3. The stick has two notches, one at each end.
4. He notched the end of the beam.
- a level of quality or amount: степень, уровень
- a V-shaped cut in a hard surface: метка, зарубка
- to cut a notch in something
Expose [Verb]
1. He removed the bandage to expose the wound.
2. Our bodies need to be exposed to sunlight in order to make vitamin D.
3. The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.
4. The review exposed widespread corruption in the police force.
5. It was the first time I’d been exposed to violence.
6. Depending on how bright the sky is and what kind of effect you want to achieve, you might expose the film anywhere from one minute to 10 minutes.
- to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen: выставлять напоказ, подвергать действию
- to make public something bad or something that is not honest: разоблачать
- to experience something or be affected by something because you are in a particular situation or place: подвергаться чему-либо
- to allow light to reach a piece of camera film in order to produce a photograph: давать выдержку (при фотографировании)
Exposure [Noun]
1. There is a risk of exposure to radiation.
2. Even a brief exposure to radiation is very dangerous.
3. Many young children now have exposure to computers in the home.
4. The exposure of the politician’s love affair forced him to resign.
5. He died of exposure while trying to climb Mount Everest.
- a situation in which someone experiences something or is affected by it because they are in a particular situation or place: подвергание воздействию
- a situation in which something bad that you have done is made public: разоблачение
- a serious medical condition that is caused by being outside in very cold weather: переохлаждение