LT 4(Unit 2) Flashcards
Connective tissue
cells are sourounded by an abundant amount of ECM
- encloses and sperates other tissues
- connects tissues to one another
- supports and moves parts of the body like bone
- stores compounds using fat tissue
- cushions and insulates using fat tissue
- transport(blood)
- protection using immune cells and bone that sorounds organs
- builders
- Fibroblast
- Chondroblast
- Osteoblast
makes fiberous tissue
makes carteldige
makes bone
maintain tissues, are mature cells
- fibrocytes, chondrocytes
break down tissue for remodling, crushers
get rid of the debris when a bone breaks, create bone marrow cavity, fix peices that break unevenly
Embryonic connective tissue
- Mesenchyme
- Mucous Connective Tissue
consits of fibroblasts sorounded by semi-fluid extracellular matrix containing delicate reticular fibers
- forms in embryo during 3/4 week of development from mesoderm
Mucous connective tissue
major source of remaining embryonic connective tissue is in the umbellical cord where in is called MCT
- helps support umbilical cord blood vessels
Adult Connective Tissue
- Loose - areoler, sdipose, reticilar
- Dense- regular collagenous, regular elastic
- Cartilage - hyaline, fibrocartalidge, elastic
- Bone, compaxt
- Blood - plasma
- Hematopoietic Tissue - forms blood cells