LSAT Short Arguments - see "principle" or "conforms?" Also Parallel Flaw, Parallel Reasoning, Reasoning Conforms, Method of Argument, Situation Conforms, and Principle Above Flashcards


If you see the word “conforms” in the Qstem, it is going to be Assumption - Reasoning Conforms or Structure - Situation Conforms question, possibly Principle Above if you also see “principle”

If you see “principle” in the Qstem, it can be a few things:

  • If you see “principle” and “stated below” or “illustrated above” it is Principle Above
  • If you see “principle” and “conforms to the following” it is Principle Above
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I get confused by Parallel Flaw, Parallel Reasoning, Reasoning Conforms, Method of Argument, Situation Conforms, and Principle Above


Think of Parallel as meaning nearly exactly the same. Sometimes these Qs will say “most similar” in place of “parallel” but still they are PR.

Think of Conforms as being a bit less close than parallel – slightly more or slightly less. “Conforms” will be in the Q.

Think of Reasoning as the Evidence and Conclusion of arguments without considering the assumption. (JE 1/12/21 – does this mean RCon could actually fall into structure category more than assumption-based?)

Think of Flaw as the Evidence and Conclusion analyzed in an argument analysis, with assumption and assumption flaw deduced.

Think of Situation as a “lite” argument that does not have proper Evidence and Conclusion, but background and result.

Think of Method of Argument as Parallel Reasoning, but more general terms and not needing Distinctive Elements to match like Parallel Reasoning and Parallel Flaw do

Principle Above involves a principle that is either illustrated in the Arg and stated in the AC, or stated in the Arg and illustrated in the AC

**How closely must the Distinctive Elements match? Note that a Parallel Reasoning correct AC will look for pretty strict matching (e.g. 51% word in Arg Evidence needs 51% counterpart in AC Evidence) between the Distinctive Elements evidence and conclusion in AC and argument. It is focusing on the Reasoning (i.e. overall argument) not a Flaw.

But Parallel Flaw is more likely to allow wiggle room between the Distinctive Elements, i.e. 51% word in Arg Evidence may be matched by 100% word in AC evidence. Less parallelness needed since focus is on FLAW.**

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