LS3 week 1 Flashcards
what is molecular biology?
molecular biology is the study of biochemistry and genetics.
study of the formation, structure and the function of essential macromolecules.
what are the macromolecules that we are going to discuss in this class?
What are some of the models that are used to research to study in order to discover things ?
1) bacteriophages ( bacterial viruses )
the viruses eat the bacterias.
2) bacteria ( virus)
3) yeast ( eukaryotic single celled organism)
4) other eukaryotic model organisms.
what are some of the similarities and differences between the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes?
differences :
prokaryotes: smaller
no membrane bound organelles
unidirectional transfer of dna
translation and transcription are both in the same place so those processes are coupled.
eukaryotes :
are larger
have membrane bound organelles
have mitochondria
transcription: nucleus
translation : cytoplasm.
what are the four most important macromolecules?
DNA : Genetic materials of the cell.
deoxyribonuclease and ribonucleotides
2) proteins
- workforce of the cell.
3 lipids
- energy storage and structure
4) carbohydrates or polysaccharides - structure and energy materials of the cell.
how can an organism have different cell types even though they contain the same DNA?
Organisms can have different cell types even if their DNA is the same because of gene expression. some of the genes are turned on and some are turned off .
different cells express different genes at different times at different levels.
explain the central dogma of molecular biology?
the central dogma of molecular biology basically states that the flow of genetic information starts from the DNA and goes to the RNA via transcription and then to Proteins via translation.
what are the four criterias for genetic material.
1) information
- the genetic material must contain the information necessary to make the whole organism.
2) replication
- must be accurately replicated
3) transmission
- must be transmitted from parent to the offspring otherwise the information wont be maintained.
4) variation
- differences in the genetic material must account for the variation within the organism.
what did archbold Garrod propose
relationship between enzymes and genes
studied alkaptonuria. ( metabolic defects)
disease due to missing enzymes.
george beadle and edward tatum
studied neospora( bread mold)
one gene-one enzyme hypothessis
each gene controlled a single protein.
what are genes and how do they participate in the synthesis of proteins?
Researchers believed that chromosomes carried the genetic information .
chromosome had both DNA and protein.
they thought protein was the genetic material because it was more complex.
explain what F. Griffith did
F. Griffith did an experiment on the R strain and the S strain.
he found out that the non-virulent genes become virulent when they are mixed in the heat killed virulent gene.
R-strain does not have a capsule and thus is not harmful.
S-strain is harmful with a capsule.
when heat killed S-strain was mixed with R strain, the rat died which showed that somehow the R strain had been converted to S-strain through transformation.
demonstrated transformation by genetic material.
O.Avery , C.Macleod and M.McCarty
they extracted DNA from virulent bacteria.
purified DNA from other macromolecules.
pure DNA was able to transform the non virulent strain into virulent one.
what did Avery, and his colleagues do to confirm it
Avery and his colleagues treated the extract with different enzymes to identify the chemical nature of the transforming agent.
whichever was able to change the strains was the genetic material.
DNase = degrades DNA
RNase = degrades RNA
Protease = Degrades proteins.
when the tubes were mixed with everything. only the ones that contained the DNA was able to transform into a virulent strain.
what conclusion did avery make?
It was concluded that DNA is the genetic material .
DNase destroys ability of heat extract transform R strain into S strain. ( if DNA is degraded then it cant transform)
what did hershey and chase do?
hershey and chase wasnted to confimr averys work so their experiment consisted of blending with radioisotopes and bacteriophages.
they used 32P for DNA
35 S for Protein
studied T2 virus that infects E.Colie
T2 only consists of DNA so it was a good candidate.
E.coli cells were infected with 35S labeled phage and blended. if the bacterial cell contains the radioisoptopes then that means that genetic information has been transformed or passed down. NOT THE CASE .
infected E.Coli with 32 P and found out that the radioisotope was in fact in the bacterial cell so therefore it confirmed that DNA is the genetic material.
what is the structure of DNA
DNA has a double stranded helix.
other important properties of DNA.
It can denature and renature.
requirements for denaturation
1) high Temperature
2) lower salt concentration
3) high pH
Requirement for renaturation
1) low temperature
2) high salt concentration
3) low pH
What is the monomer of nucleic acids
DNA and RNA are the monomers of nucleic acids.
what are the components of the nucleotides
1) nitrogenous bases
2) pentose sugars
3) phosphate groups.
accounts for the negative charge of the DNA.
What is the difference between thymine and uracil?
the main difference is that thymine has a methyl group and uracil doesnt.
what is the difference between a nucleoside and a nucleotide?
nucleoside = base + sugar
nucleotide = base + sugar + phostphate.
what links the nucleotides together?
nucleotides are held together by phosphodiester bonds between the 3’ and the 5’ carbon on the next nucleotide.
what is the direction of the DNA?
DNA moves from 5
‘ to 3’ because of its polarity.
what was Linus Paulings method of working out the proteins?
Linus Pauling used the balls and stick model.