LS1 : Sizes and Types of Firms Flashcards
why do firms seek growth?
- profit
- costs
- market power
- diversification
- managerial objectives
why do firms seek growth due to profit?
increasing in size allows for increased production. increases sales which boosts revenue. higher revenue means higher profit which can allow for increased investment or more dividends.
why do firms seek growth due to costs?
increasing firm size often results in lower unit costs. economies of scale.
why do firms seek growth due to market power?
the larger a firm is, the more market power they have.
what is market power?
the ability of a firm to raise prices and earn supernormal profit
why do firms seek growth due to diversification?
diversification reduces risk. if one country is operating during a recession, the firm can rely on sales from other countries to prevent a large dip in sales.
what is diversification?
increasing the range of products or markets served by business. the degree of diversification depends on the extent to which those products or markets are different from the existing products and markets served by the business.
why do firms seek growth due to managerial objectives?
CEOs often receive bonuses for meeting sales targets. this provides incentives for managers to increase the size of their firm. also satisfies their ego, since leading a large firm can lead to respect and veneration.
why do some firms choose to remain small?
- risk of diseconomies of scale
- extra work and risks involved in expanding
- smaller firms have a more manageable regulatory framework
why must some firms remain small?
- unable to finance expansion. seen as riskier to lend credit to
- operate in a niche market (luxury yachts, monster trucks)
- skills, knowledge, expertise are lacking
- lack resources to cope with additional regulations and bureaucracy
what are the three types of firms?
- private sector
- public sector
- not for profit
what are private sector firms?
- those that are not owned by the gvt
- aim to make profit to satisfy the demands of owners
- includes sole proprietors, partnerships and PLCs
what is a PLC?
public limited company. owned by shareholders and shares are traded on a stock market
what is a sole proprietor?
private firms which are owned and run by one person, such as newsagents
what is a public sector firm?
the gvt own certain businesses, because they could not survive without state funding or because the gvt wishes to determine the direction of the business. run on the basis that it will not make a profit for shareholders. eg. NHS, Network Rail
what are not for profit firms?
consists of charities, known as the third sector or civil society. exist for provide services to local, national and international communities. do not see profit as the primary goal.
what is the principal-agent problem?
the problem associated with divorce of ownership. the agent makes decisions on behalf of the firm which doesn’t match the direction in which the owners would like to go.
this is a problem if the principal is not fully aware of the actions of the agent, due to lack of information as a result of asymmetric information.
who is the principal and agent in a firm?
principal - shareholder or owner of the business
agent - person in charge of day to day business. decision maker.