When do we start the QRH summary checklist?
PF and PM roles?
PM monitors and reminds?
Anytime ECAM tells us to do it or AFTER PM SAYS “ECAM ACTIONS COMPLETED”. PF says read the cruise and first line of the approach sections. (covers F part on FDODAR)
- PM refers to the approach section to do the FMS approach preperation.
- PF refers to approach, landing and go-around sections (covers A on FDODAR)
PM monitors the approach, landing and go-around are completed and remind PF of what is coming “tex. after landing do not select reverser and no nose wheel steering and accumulator braking”.
SBT1A, PF = instructors choice, EDLW RWY24 threshold (DOMEG2U SID)
What can we expect during TOF roll?
What about after TOF? 2
What is required for us to do?
What is required for us to do?
Wind shift with tailwind at 80kt (060/15kt) and turbulence with crosswind. We can have a storm can be set up NE of AD an. Actions? Not good to abort the take-off at high speed. We should monitor the acceleration and tailwind and set TOGA.
HYD Y ENG 2 PUMP LO PR and ATC error = “Stop below next minimum altitude and “forget” to approve further climb, tex. before LW100 stop climb 3000ft or ATC vector may leads to TCAS TA.
- Good to confirm with ATC because later on, on the SID we need to have minimum 3600ft on LW107. Request holding to assess the HYD problem.
Further when loss of Y HYD system decision what to do has been made, we will get HYD G OVHT. Which means we will loose both green and yellow hydraulic. During troubleshooting = bomb threat will come in.
Land and divert due to short runway in Dortmund, quick disemberkation is not possible, because airport does not provide steps to the aircraft. Scenario stops before the crew action the EMER EVAC C/L to allow practice taxing without NWS, easy to vacate but diccicult to maneuver to get to stand. It is better to ask for towing, parking brake may not be available.
SBT1B, PF = instructors choice, EDLW RWY24 threshold (DOMEG2U SID)
What can we expect during TOF roll?
What about after TOF?
What about above FL100?
What is required for us to do?
Gusts and increase of x-wind slightly above maximum limit.
On SID = ATC requests frequent alt changes + hard clearence (tex. passing altitude xxxx DCT XXX or fly HDG XXX)
We will get the bomb threat, placed in one of the underbelly panels.
When crew are prepering diversion, we will get on ECAM “PRESS STRUCTURE DAMAGE” and SCC will report that loud bang could be heard in cabin. 2 minutes later we will get HYD Y ENG 2 PUMP LO LVL followed by HYD G ENG PUMP LO LVL. Scenario stops before the crew action the EMER EVAC C/L to allow practice taxing without NWS, easy to vacate but difficult to maneuver to get to stand. It is better to ask for towing, parking brake may not be available.
We will do some UPRT at FL380, what is good to remember?
All automation off.
We will to normal turns, 15 up to 30 degrees of bank, show how turns increase g-load.
Descent/Climb at constant speed with IDLE THR/CLB thrust. Effect of g-loading on VaPROT/VaMAX. How aircraft handles at high altitude compared to low altitudes (at high = quick loss of energy, ONLY MINIMAL inputs are required to maintain flightpath.
Critical mach number and the stall, pitch behaviour, minimal inputs are required to maintain safe flight path in such a case.
Select MCT and then TOGA to observe limited thrust availability at high altitude.
Deploy and retract spoilers and observe deceleration rate, effect on VLS value, slow retraction rate at high altitude.
Decelereate to VLS in level flight, next set TOGA to accelerate in level flight and descent. Explore back-side of the drag/power curve. Experience that descent mat be necessary to recover initial target mach.
All automation on.
TCAS RA at high altitude. Probably TCAS blue will not be able to react so we need to disconnect and apply memory items and do it manually.
ALTERNATE LAW (ADR1 and ADR2 to off, we need to use the AIR DATA SWTG to 3 depending on who is the PF).
Bank up to 30 degrees in alternate law, observe indications on PFD, no bank angle protection or pitch limit protection available. Yaw damping is available.
Unreliable speed at high altitude = partial pitot blockage. Review required pitch/thrust, handle the aircraft at high altitude by the guidance from QRH “unreliable speed indication procedure”. When aircraft is stable = we will increase pitch by degrees and do 15 degrees turns and we can get STALL warning = stall recovery procedure must immediatly be applied.
SBT2, Volcanic ASH encounter, PF = Instructor choice. LMML RWY 31 night. Reposition FL370 over SODMO.
What can we first expect?
What can we expect once we have reached our new FL?
After 3min?
What should we do now?
Adverse wetaher, cloud top up to 380. Turbulence moderate to occasionally severe. We need to change level and ATC says 350 should be smooth. When we descend = HIGH SPEED INCREASE. We can either push to level off, reduce speed immediatly.
When we recover SA, we will get VOLCANIC ASH. Sound of ASH particles hitting the aircraft is heard, visibility drops to 1 statue mile.
(N1 INC/DEC ENG 1(2): Engine thrust reduces and cruise can not be maintained.
(TOTAL PITOT BLOCKAGE), Airspeed is frozen as long as aircraft stays in flight level and increase/decreases if aircraft climbs/descends = blocked PITOT tube. Actions? Important to remember that BUSS is not available above FL250. We should go to tables immediatly for unreliable speeds.
If a smoke generator installed, puff of smoke occurs as the aircraft enters the ash cloud. Forward cargo fire warning occurs.
After 3 min, EGT rises above the red band, followed by an engine stall leading to engine flameout = ENG 1 + 2 FAIL. Engine attempts within the cloud are unsuccessful. Actions? Very important to leave the VA clouds so relight can be possible. When we leave the VA area, it is possible to relight one engine only.
We should make all the procedures including briefing and F-DODAR and divert to a suitable airport. Catania closed, but we have LMML/MALTA, LICA/LAMEZIA, LICJ/PALERMO, LIBR/BRINDISI. We should make approach and landing.
Crew may not reliaze it is volcanic ash scenario on SBT2. How can we know this before?
NOTAM says CATANIA is closed due to ETNA activity on the briefing room we can read this.
We will do some narrow runway approaches on LHPR RWY29 (GYOR) without AP and A/THR. What is the maximum crosswind limit for FO below 1500h? What type of approach?
Then we will continue with visual approaches without A/THR to LIMC ILS RWY35L, wind 290kt/30kt. What can we expect?
Offset approach, LIMC RWY35L, reposition RH base for VOR 35L approach and landing.
Raw data + no A/THR and on last landing, 180 degree on the RWY.
Go-around at flare height. Delay flaps retraction. We can possibly connect AP and A/THR now. On our way to holding, crew is asked to perform approach briefing for visual approach without AP and A/THR. We enter the hold. IMPORTANT TO DISCUSS THE THREATS). Then we will get vectors when airport in sight, clear for visual and ask crew to disconnect the AP and the A/THR.
Proceudre to perform 180 turn on RWY.
Taxi on the left hand side of the RWY. GS between 5-8kt. Turn right 25 degree heading from the runway axis. When physically over runway edge = turn with full tiller deflection. If necessary, use assymetric thrust and or differential braking.
Stall procedure, high nose
Low nose
- AP and A/THR OFF
- NOSE DOWN PITCH IMMEDIATLY, below the horizon (-5 to -10) and keep there.
- BANK = wings level.
- Increase thrust smoothly when no stall indications
- Speed brakes check retracted.
- Recover smoothly. Below FL200 = flaps 1 to gain lift.
- AP and A/THR OFF
- BANK = wings level.
- Reduce thrust smoothly when no stall indications
- Speed brakes check retracted.
- Recover smoothly. Below FL200 = flaps 1 to gain lift.
In case of CARGO smoke, what about the ventilation and how can we see the alert?
What are we going to do according to procedure?
It is air-tight and fireproof in order to contain a fire. The ventilation is designed to prevent cargo smoke from coming to cockpit/cabin.
Only with the SMOKE light illuminated on the CARGO smoke panel overhead, or if installed we can get it on ECAM as well.
CAB FANS = OFF, AGENT = DISCHARGE. Do not expect the SMOKE WARNING to dissapear as the detectors are sensitive.
In case of dual hydraulic failure (FCTM), what will happen with AP/FD and A/THR?
When do we do the QRH?
What about the gear?
AP will not be available but both FD and A/THR still remain.
After completion of the ECAM procedures, before STATUS.
Will be gravity extension. Fuel will increase by 180% = 2.8 more. IMPORTANT IS THAT WE CONFIGURE to CONF 3 and VAPP before we extend the gear (non-standard) according to QRH summary. We will get on ECAM “USE MANUAL PITCH TRIM” but it is lost so disregard it.
When we get ALL ENG FAIL we will go into ELEC EMER CONFIGURATION, what is lost on CM2?
What about AP and A/THR?
How do we confirm ELEC EMER CONFIG?
What is the RAT supplying?
NO PFD, NO ND on CM2 side.
BOTH AP lost, A/THR lost with THRUST LK, we need to move it. On ECAM it is the last item so it will chime every 5s, we need to do it before we reach on ECAM.
Check the ELEC PAGE, press and hold it to get it to E/WD because even SD display is lost.
Supplying the EMER GENERATOR down to 125kt, except during the flare. EMER GENERATOR supplies both the AC ESS and DC ESS bus bars.
Why do we set the EMER ELEC PWR MAN ON PB according to ECAM?
OPT RELIGHT SPD? Volcanic ash
Why do we need to reset FAC1 during ECAM procedure?
What about the STATUS page when we are done with ECAM?
After ECAM what do we do?
Windmilling procedure relight?
APU relight?
To enable the RAT extension and the emergency generator connection.
In case of a speed indication failure due to volcanic ash, the pitch attitude for optimum relight is provided in QRH, follow it.
It restores rudder trim function and recovery of the characteristics speeds displayed on PFD.
STATUS page should come on SD but the display is lost, so we need to hold and press the STS button.
We need to decide if we can relight one engine or not. If we can = we relight the engine at optimum relight speed (280kt) this is windmilling or the APU
- If we can not = descend with green dot speed
Then we need to decide, either forced landing or ditching if nothing works to relight the engines.
You can try on both engines together.
One engine at a time.
What is the purpose of ENG ALL ENGINES FAILURE ECAM procedure?
What is the purpose of the QRH ALL ENGINES FAILURE procedure?
Secure both the automatic extension of RAT and the automatic connection of the emergency generator.
If engine relight can be attempted or engine relight cannot be attempted. If answer is no = either forced landing or ditching.
How can we avoid activation of an altitude-sensitive bomb?
What should we do to reduce the effects of explosion?
1 PSI corresponds to?
How are these conditions achieved?
Cabin altitude should not exceed the value at which the bomb has been discovered.
Aircraft should fly as long as possible with differential pressure 1 PSI to help the blast go outwards, if bomb explodes.
2500ft difference between the aircraft and the cabin altitude.
By using manual pressure control.