Lower respiratory exam Flashcards
Where does needle decompression normally happen?
the 2nd intercostal space just superior to the 3rd rib margin, at the mid clavicular line
-(the neurovascular bundle runs inferior to each rib
Why do we do needle decompression?
to decompress tension pneumothorax, usually followed by a chest tube placement
Where do we insert a chest tube?
4th intercostal space just superior to the 5th rib at mid or anterior axillary line in t
where does the lower margin of the endotracheal tube show up on a chest x-ray?
Where is the landmark for thoracentesis?
7th intercostal space
what is the normal respiratory rate for an adult?
If a patient is breathing through pursed lips, what does that mean?
obstructive lung disease
how do patients w/ obstructive lung disorders tend to sit?
leaning forward with shoulders elevated
What do we look for in the fingernails?
What is tactile fremitus?
having the patient say “99” and palpating for vibrations on their chest… usually between their scapulae… more prominent on the right
What does decrease/absent fremitus mean?
COPD, pleural effusions, fibrosis, pneumothoraax, or an infiltrating tumor
What does increased fremitus mean?
Pneumonia- increased transmission through consolidated tissue
Why do we percuss the chest?
to find our whether the underlying tissues are filled with air, fluid, or just solid
What are the 5 different kinds of percussion notes?
Flat Dull Resonant Hyperresonant Tympanitic
Soft, high-pitched, and short
medium everything
loud, low pitched, long
very loud, lower pitched, longer
loud, high pitched, longer
When does dullness replace resonance?
when fluid or solid tissue replaces air-containing lung or occupies space beneath percussing fingers
When can hyperresonance be heard?
with hyperinflated lungs (COPD or asthma)
what does unilateral hyperresonance sugger?
large pneumothorax or large air-filled bulla in lung
What is the normal diaphragmatic excursion?
3-5.5 cm. that’s when you percuss when the pt. inhales and exhales to see how the diaphragm moves
Where should we auscultate on the chest?
at least the lobes of each lung