Lower Muscles Flashcards
Group 2
Move the leg at knee
Origin = pelvic bones or femur
Insertion = tibia or fibula
Group 3
Move foot at ankle
Origin = femur, tibia, or fibula
Insertion = tarsals or metatarsals
Group 4
Move digits
Origin = tibia or fibula
Insertion = phalanges
Group 1
Gluteal compartment
1) gluteus Maximus- SUPERFICIAL extends thigh and abducts thigh
2) tensor fasciae latae- SUPERFICIAL tenses fasciae latae surrounding the thigh muscle. Fasciae attaches to tibia to iliotibial tract which stabilizes the knee. Flexion/ extension of knee.
3) gluteus medius & minimis- abduct and medially rotate thigh
4) piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, and inferior gemellus- laterally rotate thigh. Steady head of femur in hip joint.
Group 1 & 2
Thigh muscle compartments
Posterior compartment- extend thigh or flex leg
Medial compartment- adductors
Anterior compartment- flex thigh or extend leg
Group 1
Anterior compartment of thigh
Psoas major and iliacus form together iliopsoas muscle
Action = flexes thigh
*** psoas major is also a POSTURAL MUSCLE when lower limb is fixed (not moving)
Group 2
Anterior thigh compartment
Sartorius- SUPERFICIAL; flexes, abducts, and laterally rotate thigh
1) rectus femoris- origin= coxal bone; extends leg and flexes thigh
2) vastus lateralis- extends leg
3) vastus medialis- extends leg
4) quadriceps femoris tendon
5) vastus intermedius- extends leg (under rectus femoris)
Group 1
Medial thigh compartment
1) pectineus- deep muscle
2) adductor longus/ brevis- adduct thigh
3) gracilis- adduct thigh. Origin = coxal bone
Insertion = tibia
4) adductor magnus- adduct thigh and flex/extend thigh. Insertion = linea aspera & medial epicondyle
(Under adductor longus)
5) adductor hiatus- through which femoral artery and vein travel on their way to leg.
Group 1 & 2
Posterior thigh compartment
1) semitendinosus
2) semimembranosus
3) biceps femoris long head
4) biceps femoris short head (under long head)
Actions = extend thigh and flex leg
Origin = ischial tuberosity
Group 3 & 4
Leg muscle compartments
Anterior compartment- dorsiflexors & toe extensors
Lateral compartment- foot evertors
Deep posterior compartment- toe flexors
Superficial posterior compartment- plantarflexors
Group 3 & 4
Anterior leg compartment
1) tibialis anterior- invert foot
Insertion = medial part of foot
2) extensor digitorium longus- tendon runs to each digit 2-5. Extends digits
3) extensor hallucis longus- extends big toe hallux
** Action all together = dorsiflex foot **
Group 3
Lateral leg compartment
1) fibularis longus & brevis
Both evert foot
Brevis under longus
Group 3
Superficial posterior compartment
1) gastrocnemius- 2 heads
2) plantaris= proprioceptor, senses spatial position of foot
3) plantaris tendon- under gastrocnemius down to plantar of foot
4) soleus- under gastrocnemius
5) calcaneal/ Achilles’ tendon
** all together plantarflex foot **
Group 3 & 4
Deep posterior leg compartment
1) tibialis posterior- inverts foot
2) flexor digitorium longus- medial. Flex digits 2-5
3) flexor hallucis longus- lateral. Flex hallux.
Group 2
Deep posterior leg
1) popliteus- back of knee. Unlocks fully extended knee
Group 1
Move the thigh at hip
Origin = pelvic bones
Insertion = femur
Example = gluteal or thigh