Lower Limbs Flashcards
Origin, insertion and action: pectineus
O: superior pubis famus
I: petineal ine of femur linea aspera of femus
A: thigh flexion, abduction, external rotation, internal rotation
Origin, insertion and action: Sartorius
O: Ant- superior iliac (ASIS)
I: proximal tibial end
A: flexion, internal rotation of the knee, abduction, hip rotation (external)
Origin, insertion and action: psoas major
T12-L4 vertebral bodies
I:lesser trochanter of the of femur
A: hip flexion, trunk flexion, rotation, lateral flexion
Origin, insertion and action: Iliacus
O: iliac fossa
I: lesser trochanter of the femur
A: hip flexion, thigh flexion, rotation of the thigh
Origin, insertion and action: Rectus femoris
O: anterior inferior iliac spine superatecbular groove
I: patella and tibial tuberosity
A: hip flexion, knee extension
Origin, insertion and action: vastus lateralis
O: gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera of the humerus, greater trochanter, intertrochanter line
I: patella and tibial tuberosity
A: knee extension, hip flexion
Origin, insertion and action: Vastus medialis
O: linea of aspera of the humerus, medial supracondylar ridge of the femur, petineal ine, intertrochantic line
I: patella and tibial tuberosity
A: hip flexion and knee extension
Origin, insertion and action: Vastus intermedius
O: anterior surface of femoral shaft
I: patella and tibial tuberosity
A: knee extension and hip flexsion
Origin, insertion and action: adductor longus
O: pubic crest body
I:middle 3rd of the linea of aspera of the femus
A: thigh flexion,external rotation, pelvic stabilization
Origin, insertion and action: adductor brevis
O: ant body off the pubic inferior pubic ramus
I: linea aspera of the femur
A: thigh flexion, adduction, external portation, pelvic stabilization
Origin, insertion and action: adductor magnus
O: inferior pubis ramus, ischial tuberosity, ishial ramus
I:gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line, adducter tubercle of the femur
Origin, insertion and action: Gracilis
O: anterior body of pubic, inferior pubic ramus, ischial ramus
I: medial surface of proximal tibia
A: thigh flexion, adduction, leg flexion and internal rotation
Origin, insertion and action: oburator externus
O: ant surface of obturator membrane and boney. Boundaries of oburator foramen
I: trohancteric fossa of the femur
A: hip - thigh extension and rotation, abduction, stabilizes the head of the femur
Origin, insertion and action: semintendinous
O: ischial tuberosity
I: proximal end of tibia
A: hip - thigh extension, internal rotation, stabilization of the pelvis
Knee - leg flexion and leg internal rotation
Origin, insertion and action: semimembranous
O: ischial tuberosity
I: Medial condyle of the tibia
A: thigh extension, abduction, pelvis stabilization
Knee - leg flexion, leg internal rotation
Origin, insertion and action: bicep femoris (both heads)
LH: ischial tuberosity, sacrotuberous ligament
SH: linea aspera of the femur, lateral supracondylar line of the femur
I: head of fibula
A: hip - thigh extension, thigh external rotation, knee leg flexion, leg external rotation, stabilization of the pelvis
Origin and distribution: sciatic nerve
O: ventral rami of L4 - S3
D: posterior thigh, ischial portion, adductor magnus, lateral comparment of the leg
Origin and distribution: femoral
O: L2 - S 4
D: pectineus, ilacus, sartorius
Extensors, knee quads, thigh, medial leg
Origin and distribution: tibial
O: L4 - S3
D: posterior leg and foot - tricep surae, palmaris, poplieus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum, longus and flexor hallucis longus
Origin and distribution: common fibular
O: bifurcation of common fibular nerve
D: anterior leg muscles, extensor hallucis longus, lateral leg muscles, dorsal foot muscles
anterolateral leg and dorsal of food
Origin and distribution: deep peroneal (deep fibular)
O: bifurcation of common fibular nerve
D: anterior and lateral compartoment of the leg
Ex. Foot, tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, fibular longus and brevis
Origin and distribution: superficial fibular
O: Bifurcation of common fibular nerve
D: Fibularis longus muscle and anterolatearl aspect of the leg
Type + articulation + action of the subtalar
T: synovial - plane joint
A: calcaneal facet on posterior part of interior talus
+ post facet on the superior surface of the calcaneous
Action: inversion, eversion, adduction/abdcution, plantar and dorsi
Type + articulation + action of the tlaocaneonavicular
Type: ball and socket
A: middle + anterior + navicular facet + facet for plantar this shit ligament + facet for the calconeoavicular part of the bifurcate ligament
A: inversion/eversion/ abd/adduc/ plantar + dorsi
Type + articulation + action of the calcaneocuboid
T: saddle joint
A: distal surface of calcaneous + proximal aspect of cuboid
A: gliding and rotational movements - inversion/eversion
Type + articulation + action of the tarsometatarsal
T: plane
A:1st metatarsal - 5th metatarsal
Cunieform and cuboid
A: flexion/extension, abduction, rotation
Type + articulation + action of the intermetatarsal
T: plane
A: metatarsal bone bases
A: lateral integrity i guess
Type + articulation + action of the metatarsophalangeal
T: elipsoid/condylar
A: metatarsal heads of proximal phalanges
A: flexion/extension, abduction + adduction
Type + articulation + action of the interphalangeal
T: hinge
A: trochlear surface of phalangeal heads and curved around surface of base of phalanges
A: flexion + extension
Origin + insertion + movement of: bulbospongiosus
M: perineal body - median penile + perineal membrance + dorsl aspect of corpus + compresses the penis during ejaculation of piss + supports the perineal body
F:perineal body + pubic arch + fascia of corpus cavemore + clit + erects the clit of the vestibule and supports the perineal body
Origin + insertion + movement of: ischiocavernosus
O: ischial tuberosity of the ramus
I: clit crus and penis
A: pushes blood from the root of clit to body and maintains the erection of penis and vag flags
Origin + insertion + movement of: superficial transverse perineal
O: Inferior rami of ischium
I: central tendinous part of the perineum
A: constricts urethra and maintains the urinary continence
Origin + insertion + movement of: deep transverse perineal
O: inferior rami of ischium
I: transverse perineal muscle of opposite side
A: constricts urethra and vag + maintains urinary continence
Origin + insertion + movement of: external urethral sphincter
O: inferior rami of ischium
I: anterior prostatic urethra/neck of urinary bladder or urethra/vag
A: maintains urinary continence by compressing the urethra
M: prevents retograde ejaculation
F: constricts the vag cave
Origin + insertion of gluteus max, medius and minimum
max -
O: sacrum, coccyx, gluteal surface of the ilium, sacrotuberous lig.
I: Gluteal tuberosity and iliotibial tract
O: glut surface of ilium
I: trochanter of the femur (lateral aspect)
O: illium
I: greater trochanter (ant aspet)
Origin and insertion of the tensor fascia latae
O: iliac crest and iliac spine
I: lateral aspect of tibia
Origin and insertion of the articularis genus
O: distal femur
I: suprapatellar bursa and joint capsule
Muscles of the anterior thigh compartment are?
pectinues, startorius, quadriceps
- rectus, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis
Muscles of the medial thigh compartment are?
gracilis, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus and obturator externus
Muscles of the gluteal region are ?
glut, max, med and min
+ tensior fascia latae (TFL)
Muscles of the posterior compartment are?
Bicep femoris, semimembranous, semitendinosis