Lower limb practical Flashcards
Palpate and describe the lateral malleolus
Find fibula and move distally
Bony projection on most distal end of the fibula
On outside of ankle
Palpate and describe the medial malleolus
Find femoral epicondyles and move distally
Bony projection on most distal side of tibia
On the inside of the ankle
Palpate and describe the head of the talus
Find malleoli, move medially and its on the end of the talus bone
Straighten knee, plantarflex ankle and invert
Forms the hindfoot
Palpate and describe the neck of the talus
Find malleoli, move medially and its on the end of the talus bone
Straighten knee, plantarflex ankle and invert
Forms the hindfoot
Palpate and describe the calcaneus
Directly inferior to the Achilles tendon
Forms the hindfoot
Palpate and describe the navicular
Medial malleolus, 2 and 1/2 cm distally but more anteriorly (navicular tuberosity), move medially
Curved bone between the talus and cuneiforms
Form the midfoot
Palpate and describe the cuboid
Find base of 5th metatarsal and move proximally and slightly medially
Tarsal bone
Sits on outside of foot near 5th phalanx
Form the midfoot
Palpate and describe the styloid process
Follow down length of 5th metatarsal
Bony prominence
Palpate and describe the cuneiforms
Medial - find navicular process and move distally
Move laterally from medial to find intermediate and lateral
Tarsal bones
Form the midfoot
Palpate and describe the metatarsals
5th - palpate across 5th to base (proximally)
Move medially to find next 4 metatarsals Form the forefoot
Palpate and describe the phalanges
Follow along the length of each toe
Form the forefoot
Distal are tips of the toes, middle are between distal and proximal, proximal join to metatarsals
Great toe only had distal and proximal
Palpate and describe the adductor tubercle of the femur
Work down medial aspect of the femur
Small rounded prominence of medial condyle of the femur
Attachment point for adductor magnus
Palpate and describe the tibial tuberosity
Move medially and distally from tibial condyles
Move distally from base of the apex
Attachment point for ligamentum patellae
Palpate and describe the head of fibula
Find tibial condyles
Move laterally and distally
Palpate and describe the iliac crest
Hands on hips
On posterior aspect of ilium
Attachment site for obliques, erector spinae muscles and quadratus lumborum
Palpate and describe the anterior superior iliac spine
Patient lay on back
Find iliac crest
Follow round anteriorly
Attachment site for sartorius, TFL, and inguinal ligament
Palpate and describe the posterior superior iliac spine
Patient lays on front
Find iliac crest
Follow round medially
Palpate and describe the ischial tuberosity
Find gluteal fold
Below the ischial spine
Sacrospinous ligament joins ischial spine to sacrum
Palpate and describe the pubic tubercle/crest
Model should palpate themselves
Bend both knees
Palm of hand on belly button
Ring and index finger sit on crest/tubercles