Lower limb Flashcards
Branches of the femoral artery
- Superficial epigastric artery
- superficial circumflex iliac artery
- External pudenal arteries 2
- Descending genicular artery(Saphenous+articular)
- Deep femoral artery
Deep femoral artery branches
1.Medial circumflex femoral artery
A.deep branch B.The ascending branch C.The transverse branch D.The acetabular branch
2.Lateral circumflex femoral artery
A.ascending branch B.Descending branch C.Transverse branch
3.The perforating arteries 3 arteries
Branches of the anterior tibial artery
- posterior tibial recurrent artery
- anterior tibial recurrent artery
- anterior medial malleolar artery
- anterior lateral malleolar artery
posterior tibial artery orignates and supply>?
It originates from the anterior tibial artery in the posterior region of the leg
and it supplies the popliteus muscle and the knee joint
Anterior tibial recurrent artery supplies
- knee joint
- tibio-fibular joint
- Tibialis anterior
- extensor digitorum longus
- prenous longus and prenous brevis
The dorsalis pedis artery is a continuation of and what are the branches?
Continuation of anterior tibial artery Branches 1.Lateral tarsal artery 2.Medial tarsal artery 3.arcuate artery
Anastomoses for arteries in the dorsal aspect of the foot
Arcuate artery and lateral tarsal artery
what is the name of the superficial veins of the lower limb
Greater and lesser saphenous veins
Insertion of iliopsoas msucle
Lesser trochanter
Origin of Iliacus muscle
Iliac fossa
Muscles insert in the greater trochanter
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus minimus
- Piriformis
Muscles insert in the trochanter fossa
- Obturatur Internus
- Obturator Externus
- gamellus superior
- Gamellus Inferior
Origin of Quadratus femoris
Ischial tuberosity
Rectus femoris origin
- Anterior inferior Iliac spine
2. a triangular surface, superior to the acetabulum
Vastus intermedius muscle origin
The lateral lip of the linea aspera
anterior aspect of the femoral shaft
Insertion of Quadriceps femoris
The tendon inserts on the TIBIAL TUBEROSITY
Tensor fascia latae
- Insertion: lateral condyle of the tibia
- Action: Flexion and abduction
- Innervation:Superior gluteal nerve
Ischial tuberosity is the origin of
- Quadratus femoris
- Long head of biceps femoris
- Adductor magnus
- The semitendinosus muscle
- The semimembranosus
Tibialis anterior muscle origin and innervation
Origin:lateral condlye of the tibia
Innervation:deep fibular nerve
Insertion of the Tibialis anterior
Medial cuneiform bone
first metatarsal
Lumbar plexus is from
Superior branch give will give birth to
Iliohypogastric nerve
Ilionguinal nerve
Genitofemoral nerve branches
Genital branch
Femoral Branch
Femoral branch of the Gentitofemoral nerve supply
The skin of the femoral triangle
Obturattor nerve formed by?
anastomoses of anterior divisions of L2-L3-L4
Femoral Nerve
anastomoses of Posterior divisions of L2-L3-L4
Branches of the common fibular nerve
- Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
- Sural communicating branch
- Deep fibular Nerve
- superficial fibular nerve
Sural nerve?
Anastomoses between medial sural cutaneous nerve(branch of the tibial nerve) and sural communicating branch(branch of common fibular nerve)
Femoral Triangle borders
Superior :Inguinal ligament Medial: ADDUCTOR LONGUS lateral: Sartorius muscle The floor of the femoral triangle Iliopsoas laterally Pectineus medially Main elements lateral towards medial NAV Femoral nerve--Femoral artery--femoral vein and also the arch of the greater saphenous vein
Popliteal Region elemnts
Lateral towards Medial
Tibial nerve-Popliteal vein-popliteal artery
Remember the van is in the middle
Elements of the medial retromalleolar groove
- Tendon of tibialis posterior
- Tendon of the flexor digitorum longus
- tendon of flexor hallucis longus
- Tibial nerve
- posterior tibial artery(nerve)
elements of lateral retromalleolar groove
- tendon of prenous longus
- Tendon of prenous brevis
- Proneal artery or Fibular artery
Pectoralis major insertion and innervation
Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus
Inervation:Medial pectoral nerve.
Insertion of pectoralis minor
Corocaoid process