Lower Extremity Muscles Flashcards
Gluteus medius (major internal rotator), and Gluteus minimus Origin Insertion Action Nerve Blood supply
O. External ilium, between ant and post gluteal lines I. Greater trochanter of femur Act. Abducts N. Superior gluteal nerve A. Superior gluteal artery
Gluteus Maximus Origin Insertion Action Nerve Arteries
O. posterior iliac crest, edge of sacrum and coccyx
I. Gluteal tuberosity on femur and IT band
Act. Extension
N. Inferior gluteal
A. Superior and inferior gluteal artery
Piriformis O I K N A
Major external rotator O anterior edge of sacrum I. Greater trochanter K. External rotation Horizontal abduction of hip when knee is flexed N. Piriformis n A. Superior and inferior gluteal a.
Superior gemellus O I K N A
Sciatic nerve between superior gemellus and piriformis. O. Ischial spine I. Greater trochanter K. External rotation, horizontal abduction of hip, if knee flexed N. Nerve to obturator A. Inferior a
Obturator internus O I K N A
O. Internal edges of obturator foramen
I. Greater trochanter
K. External rotator, horizontal abduction of hip,
if knee is flexed
N. Obturator nerve
A. Obturator artery, superior and Inferior gluteal
Inferior gemellus O I K N A
O. Ischial tuberosity I. Greater trochanter K. External rotation, horizontal abduction of hip, if knee is flexed N. Quadratus femoris n. A. Inferior gluteal, obturator a.
Obturator externus O I K N A
O. External edges of rim of obturator foramen I. Trochanteric fossa K. External rotation of hip N. Obturator n A. Obturator a
Biceps femoris O I K N A
O. Long head- Ischial tuberosity Short head- linea aspera I. Lateral tibia condyle, head of fibula K. Flexes knee (long head only) Extends hip Posterior pelvic tilt N Sciatic A. Inferior gluteal a Obturator a Deep femoral a
Quadratus femoris O I K N A
O. Ischial tuberosity, lat border I. Intertrochanteric crest K. Lateral rotation N. Quadratus femoris n A. Inferior gluteal a, obturator a.
Semitendinosus O I K N A
O. Ischial tuberosity I. Anterior medial tibia via pes anserine tendon K. Flexes knee Extends hip Posterior pelvic tilt N. Sciatic n A. Inferior gluteal Obturator a Deep femoral a
Semimembranosus O I K N A
O. Ischial tuberosity I. Medial tibial condyle, posterior surface K. Flexes knee Extends hip Posterior pelvic tilt N. Sciatic n A. Inferior gluteal a Obturator a Deep femoral a
IT band
O. Lateral iliac crest
I. Lateral tibial condyle and patella
Tensor fascia latae O I K N A
O. ASIS I. IT band, upper 1/3 K. Flexion of hip Abduction of hip Internal rotation of hip Anterior pelvic tilt N superior gluteal n A. Superior gluteal a Deep femoral a
Tensor fascia latae
O. ASIS I. IT band, prox 1/3 way down K. Flexes hip jt abducts hip jt medically rotates hip jt anterior pelvic tilt N. Superior gluteal n A. Superior gluteal a deep femoral a
O. ASIS I. Medial tibia via pes anserine K. Flexes hip jt Abducts hip Laterally rotates hip Flexes knee jt Anteriorly rotates pelvis N. Femoral n A. Femoral a
Rectus femoris
O. ASIS I. Tibial tuberosity via patellar lig K. Flexes hip jt Extends knee jt Anterior pelvic tilt N Femoral n A. Femoral a Deep femoral a
Vastus lateralis
O. Lateral lip of linea aspera I. Tibial tuberosity via patellar lig K. Extension of knee Some lateral rotation N. Femoral n A. Femoral a, deep femoral, popliteal a
Vastus medialis
O. Medial lip of line aspera I. Tibial tuberosity via patellar lig K. Extension of knee Some medial rotation N. Femoral n A. Femoral a
Vastus intermedius
O. Lateral lip of linea aspera and anterior shaft I. Tibial tuberosity via patellar lig K. Extension of knee N. Femoral n A. Deep femoral a
Articularis genu
O. Distal anterior shaft of femur
I. Joint capsule of knee jt and patella
K. Pulls knee capsule and patella proximally,
Assisting in knee jt extension
N. Femoral n
A. Deep Femoral a
Adductor O. Pectineal line of pubis I. Pectineal line of femur K. Adducts hip jt Flexes Anterior pelvic tilt N. Femoral n A. Femoral a Deep femoral a Obturator a
Adductor longus
Adductor O. Pubis I. Medial lip of linea aspera K. Adducts hip Flexes hip Anterior pelvic tilt N. Obturator n A. Obturator a Deep femoral a Femoral a
Adductor O. Anterior pubis and inferior ramus I. Pes anserine, medial tibia K. Adducts hip Flexes hip Anterior pelvic tilt N. Obturator n A. Deep femoral a Obturator a
Adductor brevis
Adductor O. Pubis (inferior mass) I. Linea aspera, prox 1/3 K. Adducts hip Flexes hip Anterior pelvic tilt N. Obturator n A. Deep femoral a Obturator a Femoral a
Adductor Magnus
Adductor, largest and deepest O. Ant head: infer. Pubic ramus and Ischial ramus Post. Head: Ischial tuberosity I. Gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, Supracondylar line, adductor tubercle K. Adducts hip Extends hip Posterior pelvic tilt N. Ant: Obturator n Post: sciatic n A. Ant: Deep femoral a Obturator a Femoral a Post: Deep femoral a Obturator a Inferior gluteal a Popliteal a
Tibialis anterior
Anterior compartment O. Lateral condyle of anterior tibia and prox 2/3 of interosseus membrane I. Medial surface of 1st cuneiform and 1st metatarsal K. Dorsiflexes foot Inverts foot N. Deep fibular n A. Anterior tibial artery
Extensor hallucis longus
Anterior compartment O. Middle1/3 of anterior fibula and interosseus membrane I. Distal phalanx of digit 1, dorsal surface K. Extends at MTP and IP jt of digit 1 Dorsiflexes foot Inverts foot N. Deep fibular n A. Anterior tibial n
Extensor digitorum longus
Anterior compartment O. Lateral condyle of tibia Anterior 2/3 fibula Interosseous membrane I. Middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5, via dorsal digital expansion K. Extends digits 2-5 @ MTP, PIP, and DIP jts. Dorsiflexes foot Everts foot N. Deep fibular n A. Anterior tibial a
Fibularis tertius
Anterior compartment
O. Distal 1/3 fibula and Interosseous membrane
I. Metatarsal of digit 5, dorsal surface
K. Dorsiflexes foot
Everts foot
N. Deep fibular n
A. Anterior tibial a
Fibularis longus
Lateral compartment O. Head and prox 1/2 of lateral fibula I. 1st cuneiform and 1st metatarsal, dorsal surface (hooks around cuboid) K. Plantarflexes foot Everts foot N. Superficial fibular n A. Fibular a
Fibularis brevis
O. Distal 1/2 of lateral fibula I. Lateral base of 5th metatarsal K. Plantarflexes foot Everts foot N. Superficial fibular n A. Fibular a
Extensor digitorum brevis
Dorsal surface muscle
O. Dorsal calcaneus
I. Middle and distal phalanges digits 2-4,
merging with extensor digitorum longus, via
dorsal digital expansion
K. Extends MTP, PIP, and DIP jts of digits 2-4
N. Deep fibular n
A. Dorsal pedis a
Superficial posterior compartment O. Soleal line of tibia plus Head and prox 1/3 of post fibula I. Calcaneus via Achilles' tendon K. Plantarflexes foot N. Tibial n A. Popliteal a
Superficial posterior compartment O. 2 heads-medial condyle of post femur -lateral condyle of post femur I. Calcaneus via Achilles' tendon K. Flexes knee Plantar flexes foot N. Tibial n A. Popliteal a
Extensor hallucis brevis
Dorsal surface muscle O. Dorsal calcaneus I. Prox phalanx of digit 1 K. Extends MTP jt of digit 1 N. Deep fibular A. Dorsal pedis a
Abductor hallucis
Plantar surface muscle, layer 1
O. Calcaneal tuberosity (and plantar fascia)
I. Prox phalanx of digit 1, medial plantar surface
K. Abducts @ MTP jt
N. Medial plantar n
A. Medial plantar a
Abductor digiti minimi pedis
Plantar surface muscle, layer 1
O. Calcaneal tuberosity (and plantar fascia)
I. Prox phalanx digit 5 (lateral plantar surface)
K. Abducts digit 5 at MTP jt
N. Lateral plantar n
A. Lateral plantar a
Flexor digitorum brevis
Plantar surface muscle, layer 1
O. Calcaneal tuberosity
I. Middle phalanges of digits 2-5
(With forks extending to distal digits)
K. Flexes digits 2-5 @ MTP and PIP jts
N. Medial plantar n
A. Medial and lateral plantar a
Quadratus plantae
Plantar surface muscle, layer 2
O. Medial and lateral aspects of calcaneus
I. Tendon of flexor digitorum longus
K. Corrects pull of flexor digitorum longus
Flexes digits 2-5 at MTP, PIP, DIP jts
N. Lateral plantar n
A. Medial and lateral plantar a
Lumbricals pedis
Plantar surface muscles, layer 2
O & A: 4 lumbricals, from flexor digitorum longus
to extensor digitorum longus
2-2, 2&3-3, 3&4-4, 4&5-5
K. Flexes digits 2-5 @ MTP jts,
Extends digits 2-5 @ PIP and DIP jts
N. Medial and lateral plantar n
A. Medial and lateral plantar a,
and plantar arch
Flexor hallucis brevis
Plantar surface muscle, 3rd layer O. Cuboid and 3rd cuneiform I. Prox phalanx of digit 1, through sesamoids K. Flexes digit 1 at MTP jt N. Medial n A. Medial a
Flexor digiti minimi pedis
Plantar surface muscle, 3rd layer O. 5th metatarsal and fibularis longus tendon I. Prox phalanx of digit 5 K. Flexes digit 5 at MTP jt N. Lateral plantar n A. Lateral plantar a
ADDuctor hallucis
Plantar surface, layer 3
O. 2 heads:
Oblique- fibularis longus tendon and
metatarsal bases of digits 2-4
Transverse- Metatarsalphalangeal ligs
I. Base of prox phalanx, digit 1, lateral aspect
K. Adducts @ MTP jt of digit 1
N. Lateral plantar n
A. Plantar arch