Lower Extremities Quiz 5 Flashcards
Joints of the PELVIS:
Strong, weightbearing, compound joints. Limited mobility compared to other synovial joints to allow for transfer of weight. Between the sacrum and ilium.
Bound by: 4 ligaments???
posterior and anterior sacroiliac ligaments,
sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments
Joints of the PELVIS:
____ cartilaginous joint formed by the union between the bodies of the pubic bones.
Interpubic disc, wider in women than men.
Bouded by: 2 ligaments????
inferior/superior pubic ligament
Joints of the PELVIS:
- Lumbosacral Joints: BEtween ___and ___#
- IV Joint
- ____ligaments, unite transverse processes of L5 to the ilia.
Sacrococcygeal Joint: what type?____cartilaginous joint with IV disc. Bounded by anterior and posterior sacrococcygeal ligaments.
L5 and S1
Anteroinferior pelvic wall: Formed by bodies and rami of ___ bone and _____
Lateral Pelvic walls: Formed by hip bones and obturator foramen. padded by ____ muscles
Posterior pelvic wall: Bony wall and roof (sacrum and coccyx). What muscle leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen????
Pelvic Floor: pelvic diaphragm.
___ and___ muscles
Pubic bones and pubic symphysis
obturator internus
levator ani and coccygeus muscles
Male versus Female:
greater pelvis ?
lesser pelvis
general structure?
male: deep, narrow and deep, thick and heavy
Female: Shallow, Wide and shallow (pass babies), thin/light
Sacral Plexus:
On posterolateral wall of the lesser pelvis .
- Siatic Nerve: Gives innervation? , also what rami? . Passes through the ____ __foramen.
- Pudendal Nerve: Innervation? and anterior rami. Chief sensory nerve to ______ ____. Supplies skin and muscles of the ______
- Superior Gluteal Nerve: innervation?? anterior rami. Supplies 3 muscles???
- Inferior Gluteal Nerve : innervation??? anterior rami. Supply what ?
L4- S3, anterior rami…..greater sciatic foramen.
S2-S4, external genetalia. PERINEUM
L4-S1, supplies gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and tensor fascia lata.
L5-S2, supply GLUT MAX
Obturator Nerve from ____plexus. Anterior rami of what innervation?
Divides into anterior and posterior branches and leaves via obturator foramen. Supplies ____ _____ muscles.
COCCYGEAL PLEXUS: anterior rami of ____,___ innervation and ____nerves.
Supplies coccygeus and part of _____muscle.
- Pelvic autonomic nerves
- via four routes:
Sacral sympathetic trunks: provides _pre/postsynaptic?__fibers to the sacral plexus for ____innervation of the lower limb.
Periarterial plexuses: Provide postsynaptic, sympathetic, vasomotor fibers to the superior ___,___, and interal iliac arteries.
Hypogastic plexuses- Males and females area.
Pelvic splanchnic nerves- pre/postsynaptic _para/symp?____and visceral afferent fibers.
S4, S5 and coccygeal nerves.
Coccygeus and LEvator ANI
- postsynaptic fibers , sympathetic
- rectal, ovarian
- presynaptic parasympathetic
MAJOR VESSELS: common iliac artery branches into _____-_____#
External Iliac artery and Internal iliac artery.
Posterior branches: 2
Anterior Branches: 5
??? just list them, look at location, supplies??
P: iliolumbar artery, lateral sacral artery
A: Umbilical artery, obturator artery, inferior gluteal , internal pudendal , uterine artery (branch to vagina
Transversalis fascia, continuous with the fascia of: quadrates lumborum, psoas, diaphragm, iliacus.
lateral arcuate ligament, formed by thickend fasica over quadrates lumborum. attaches to ???
LUMBAR PLEXUS: formation within psoas muscle from ventral rami of _____-____ plus communication from T12 )subcostal nerve.
L4 and L5 join, form lumbosacral trunk, goes to pelvis sacral plexus. All ventral rami to extremities have anterior and posterior division fibers.
Iliohypogastric: what innervation, what division, appears on lateral border of what muscle, runs anterior to what muscle, becomes cutaneous 1 inch above superficial ring, and SUPPLIES WHAT MUSCLE
Ilioinguinal nerve: anterior divisoin, may come off together with ___nerve, goes through superficial ring. Cutaneous to anterior scrotum or labia majora.
—>Cutaneous branch to _____
Genitofemeral nerve: pierces and lies on anterior surface of psoas major. 2 branches???
—-> each supplies??
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve: innervate? what division? emergest lateral to psoas, runs acoss ilacus major, emerges below inguinal ligament.
—-»»>cutaneous to skin of lateral ______, down to ___
Femoral Nerve; innervate? LARGEST nerve, division? . Run in groove beween ___ and ___. motor to muscles of _____ ____.
—-»»>Cutaneous to ___/___ thigh and leg to the ____
Obturator Nerve: inervation? division? innervates what muscle? cutaneous to skin of ___?
Lumbosacral Trunk : part of L4, all of L5. Contains anterior and posterior division fibers , medial to psoas, runs into pelvis anterior to sacroiliac joint. contributes to scral plexus
L1: anterior, lateral of psoas major, anterior to quadrates lumborum, supplies abdominal muscles
L1: iliohypogastric nerve. medial thigh
L1,2 : Genital branch, supplies cremaster , skin of scotum or labia majora.
And Femoral Branch, goes under inguinal ligament , supplies cutaneous to ANTERIOR THIGH.
L2, 3, posterior, lateral thigh, down to knee
L2,3,4 posterior, psoas and iliacus , anterior thigh, anterior/medial thigh and leg to the ankle.
L2,3,4 anterior , adductor muscles of medial thigh
Branches of Aorta:
T12 L1 L1,2 L2 L3 L4
Inferior phrenic artery, Celia trunk (3 branches)
Superior mesenteric
Renal artery
gonadal artery
inferior mesenteric artery
bifurcation of aorta into 2 common iliac artery: EXT and INTernal.
median sacral artery at bifurcation of aorta.
Fascia of the lower limb
____ lata, deep fascia of the thigh, encloses large thigh muscles. separates thigh into anterior, medial, and posterior fascial compartments
___fascia, deep fascia of the leg. Forms extensor retinaculum distally. divides leg into anterior dorsiflexor, later fibular and posterior plantar flexor compartments.
fascia lata
crural fascia
Superficial Veins of the Leg:
___ ___ vein, formend by union of dorsal digital vein of the great toe and the dorsal _____ _____.
Ascends anterior to the medial malleolus. Passes posterior to medial condyle . Empties into ____vein. Then dump into external iliac vein, then inferior vena cava.
___ ___vein, starts on lateral foot by union between dorsal digital vein on the 5th digit and the dorsal venous arch. Ascends posterior to lateral malleolus, penetrates deep fascia at midline of fibula , empties into ____ vein in popliteal fossa.
great saphenous vein, dorsal venous arch
femoral vein
small saphenous vein, popliteal vein
Femoral Nerve:
largest branch of lumbar plexus. Innervates ___thigh muscles. Terminal cutaneous branch is ____nerve.
This nerve supply skin and fascia to anterior-medially portion of : 3
anterior thigh muscle
saphenous nerve
anterior knee, leg, and foot