lower abdo pain in a female pt Flashcards
A 45 year old lady presents at A+E with acute left lower abdominal pain and vomiting.
Clinical examination reveals an 8cm mass in the left iliac fossa. Previously the patient has been fit and well.
torsion of ovarian cyst
A 24 year old woman experiences very sudden left lower abdominal pain while out shopping. This is
associated with pallor and feeling faint. On arrival at Accident & Emergency her blood pressure is
80/50mmHg and her pulse rate is 130 beats/min. A pregnancy test on admission is positive.
ruptured ectopic pregnancy
A 35 year old Afro-Caribbean woman at 26 weeks pregnancy presents with severe pain and tenderness over discreet area of the uterus. She is known to have fibroids.
red degeneration of a leiomyoma
A 19 year old female student attends the Student Health Service because of a nine month history of intermittent lower abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Questioning revealed an approximate weight loss of 4kg over this period. There was a history of mouth ulcers during her A-level exams, but these were not investigated at the time.
Crohn’s disease
A 22 year old woman is seen by her General Practitioner on account of a one week history of lower abdominal pain, dyspareunia and a vaginal discharge. Clinical examination reveals pyrexia of 38.7°C and
extreme tenderness on bimanual pelvic examination.