Low level topics Flashcards
What is an opcode
Tha part of a instruction that states which operation should be performed
What is ISA
An Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is part of the abstract model of a computer that defines how the CPU is controlled by the software. The ISA acts as an interface between the hardware and the software, specifying both what the processor is capable of doing as well as how it gets done.
What are the most used ISAs
x86 - 32bit (Intel 86)
x86-64 - 64 bit (AMD 64)
Power Pc
What are some Assembly syntax
NASM (Intel)
MASM (Microsoft)
AT & T (Gas)
YASM (NASM + GAS; new rewrite of NASM under BSD license)
What are the main three thing that modern computers can do with more instructions
faster versions of something you could
already do
computer security related
hardware interface related
What is an OISC
One instruccion set computer
Generally, what computations can computers do
Basic integer arithmetic
Memory access
Compare values
Change order of execution based in previous comparison
Basic parts of computers are
CPU (Processor)
Working memory
Permanent storage
System bus
What is the front bus
Bus with the shortest path to the main working memory (so often called RAM)
Bit is the short form of
Binary digit
What does mean that a CPU has an 64 architecture
That the system can naturally make operations with 64bits data with one instruction, it does not mean that computers with lower architecture cannot perform operations of numbers with 64bits, but it takes more instructions.
Data in memory for audio and text, is diferent?
The whole data indeed is different since has specific information, but every bit is not different of any other byte in memory.
Modern computers have groups of bits by sizes, such as
1 byte (8 bits): Typically just referred to as a byte
2 bytes (16 bits): Known as a “word” or a “short”
4 bytes (32 bits): Known as a “double-word” or an “int”
8 bytes (64 bits): Known as a “quadword or long”
But this depends on the system, sometimes 4 bytes are referred as long and 8 bytes as long long.
CPU parts
Control Unit
Memory management unit
What is the role of control unit
The control unit sets the pacing for the chip. It handles the coordination of all the
different parts of the chip. It handles the clock, which doesn’t tell time, but is more like a
drum beat or a pacemaker—it makes sure that everything operates at the same speed.