Low back pain (LBP) Flashcards
What are the common causes?
1) Dysfunction of the spinal intervertebral joints (mechanical back pain or non-specific back pain) due to injury ~72%
2) lumbar spondylosis (degenerative osteoarthritis) ~10%
3) Musculoligamentous strain is common but usually settles in days
What are the serious disorders not to be missed?
- ruptured aortic aneurysm
- retroperitoneal haemorrhage (anticoagulants)
- osteomyelitis
- epidural abscess
- septic discitis
- tuberculosis
- pelvic abscess/PID
- pyelonephritis
- pancreas
- myeloma
- metastases
Cauda equina compression
Osteoporotic compression fracture
What are the red flag pointers for back pain?
- age >50 years or <20 years
- history of cancer
- temperature >37.8°C; night sweats
- constant pain—day and night
- unexplained weight loss
- significant trauma (e.g. MVA)
- osteoporosis ♀ >50 years; ♂ >60 years
- use of anticoagulants and corticosteroids
- drug or alcohol abuse esp. IV drug use
- no improvement over 1 month
- neurological deficit
- possible cauda equina syndrome
Pitfalls (often missed)?
1) Spondyloarthropathies
• ankylosing spondylitis
• reactive arthritis
• psoriasis
• bowel inflammation
2) Sacroiliac dysfunction
3) Spondylolisthesis
4) Claudication
• vascular
• neurogenic/spinal canal stenosis
5) Prostatitis
6) Endometriosis
Masquerades? تنكر
- Depression
- Spinal dysfunction
Is this patient trying to tell me something?
- Quite likely many yellow flags
- Consider lifestyle
- Stress
- Work problems
- Malingering تمارض
- Conversion reaction;
A disorder in which a person experiences blindness, paralysis, or other symptoms affecting the nervous system that cannot be explained solely by a physical illness or injury.
Symptoms usually begin suddenly after a period of emotional or physical distress or psychological conflict.
Clinical key examination
- Emphasis on palpation—central and lateral
- The movements of the lumbosacral spine with normal ranges are:
•extension 20°–30°
•forward flexion 75°–90°
•lateral flexion (left and right) 30° - Perform a neurological and vascular
examination of the lower limb/s if pain.
Key investigation
This should be conservative, especially in the absence of red flags.
•serum alkaline phosphatase
•PSA in males 50–69 years
•plain X-ray if chronic pain and red flags
Reserve CT scan, MRI or radionuclide scan for suspected serious disease (malignancy and infection).
Continuous pain (day and night) means
Malignancy or infection
What is the the big primary malignancy ?
Multiple Myeloma
What are the big 3 metastases ?
lung, breast and prostate
What are the other 3 metastases?
thyroid, kidney/adrenal and melanoma
Pain with standing/walking (relief with sitting) =
Pain (and stiffness) at rest, relief with activity =
In a young person with inflammation think of =
ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter syndrome or reactive arthritis.
Stiffness at rest, pain with or after activity, relief with rest =
Pain provoked by activity, relief with rest =
mechanical dysfunction
Pain in bed at early morning =
inflammation, depression or malignancy/infection.
Pain in periphery of limb =
discogenic → radicular
or vascular → claudication
or spinal canal stenosis → claudication.
Pain in calf (ascending) with walking =
vascular claudication.
Pain in buttock (descending) with walking =
neurogenic claudication
One disc lesion = one nerve root (exception is L5–S1 disc). One nerve root =
one disc (usu.)
Two or more nerve roots—consider
The rule of thumb for the lumbar nerve root lesions is
L3 from L2–3 disc
L4 from L3–4
L5 from L4–5
S1 from L5–S1
A large disc protrusion can cause
bladder symptoms, either incontinence or retention
A retroperitoneal bleed from anticoagulation therapy can give
intense nerve root symptoms and signs.