lovirea creierului și degenerarea Flashcards
What is evidence that most capacity for change occurs in early development
left hemisphere removed at 2.5 yo
At 4.5 yo, recovered language ability
AT 17 years:
- language normal except for dyslexic-like symptoms
- fMRI showed that right hemisphere followed left hemisphere blue-print
what’s plasticity like in adulthood
adult brain is less plastic than in childhood, but change still occurs, and is influenced by environmental factors
how can evidence about plasticity be used
As an intervention: to stop or reduce decline due to natural occurrences or disease
e.g. music, exercise, cognitive training
how can environment influence brain
mouse with low amounts of adult neurogenesis (formation of new neurones)
- produce fewer neurones than other mice
Intervention: provide running wheel
- when at risk mice had unlimited access to a running wheel, neurogenesis was equal to typical mice
- voluntary running increases neurogenesis
what is the effect of environment (running) on cognition in mice?
After running at risk mice (low amount of neurogenesis) spatial learning and visual recognition equalled typical mice
Running improved performance on water maze in at risk but not typical mice after 4 weeks
After 11 weeks, running at risk mice demonstrated equivalent memory to the typical mice
What are the conclusions of the effects of environment on brain
at risk mice can improve brain and behaviour through exercise
deficits in neurogenesis was overcome by exercise
how does exercise have an effect on aged people cognitive abilities
124 healthy but sedentary adults 60-75 yo
walking or toning for 6m
do all exercises have the same effect?
are all cognitive abilities similarly affected?
- executive functions improved for the walking group but not the toning
what effect does exercise have on cognition and brain
70 sedentary adults aged 55-85 to
walking or stretching for 1 year
white matter scans before and after training
cognitive: walking seems to improve executive functions
brain: walking seems to be associated with better white matter integrity
what’s adult plasticity like in musicians
musical training is protective against age-related decline
with increase in age, left inferior frontal gyrus decreases
what is experimental study on the effect on music on aged participants
31 adults aged 60-85 yo
No intervention or 6m piano training
Tested pre- and post-intervention and after 3 months
Improvement in executive function in the piano intervention group
what are the disadvantages of this study
intensive intervention, 3h practice per week is a lot
what were the no intervention group doing
is the intervention changing behaviour through other means
what is the effect of interventions after traumatic brain injury
after traumatic brain injury, rats were placed in standard or enriched environments
enriched environment: motor and tactile stimuli (toys, running wheel, tunnels) and olfactory stimuli (different bedding types)
size of brain lesion was measured
14 days post traumatic brain injury, enriched animals had 2-fold smaller lesion areas
environment influenced brain tissue recovery
can exercise improve recovery in humans
18-40 yo with mild traumatic brain injury
- aerobic exercise
- non-aerobic exercise
- non-injured no-intervention groups
daily exercise for 1 week
both exercise groups showed reduced symptom severity over time
no difference between exercise types
what are incidental findings
2000 people
found asymptomatic brain infarcts in 7.2% of people
These are areas of tissue damage in the brain caused by a disruption of blood flow, typically due to a blockage or narrowing of blood vessels.
what impact does exercise have on people with degenerative conditions such as different types of dementia
degenerative conditions - deterioration and loss of function in the organs
ppl with mild cognitive impairment and partners took part in 4 of 5 behavioural interventions
follow up 18 m after
withholding yoga led to greatest decline in functional abilities
withholding computerised cognitive training or memory support system training also impacted decline
little impact of withholding social groups, wellness information
what are other incidental findings
24yo woman in china
reported nausea and dizziness
on scanning, she had no cerebellum
- coordinates voluntary movements
- processes sensory information and judges time
- involved in non-verbal learning and memory
managing without a cerebellum until 24 yo suggests that brain has learnt to cope - plasticity
how does brain adapt to these differences
people may use different brain regions or networks than typically used