Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock TS Eliot Flashcards
Alphabetically it’s the first symbol with a single letter as its symbol
B for boron
Movie opening lines
I had the craziest Dream Last night I was dancing thr white swan
Black swan
Movie opening lines
Saturday March 24 1984 shermer high school shermer Illinois
Dear Mr Vernon
The breakfast club
Movie opening lines
Narration I was 12 going on 13 the first time I saw a dead human being
It happened in summer of 59
Stand by me
King Herod ordered the murder of all children 2 years or under in this city
Joseph died at age 110 and he was put in a coffin in this country where he had high power
Jesus first reported Miracle
Water into wine at cana in Galilee
At Paul wrote epistles to the Christian community he had founded in this Greek city on an isthmus of thr same name
The Corinthians
Ming Nebuchadnezzar gave Daniel many great gods and made him ruler over this whole province of
For a dry cleaning process Thomas Jennings is believed to have been first black American to be granted one of these in 1821
We’re not a rock band but we’re playing this element pd anyway - it’s used in de tel fillings and catalytic converters
Puh lay d um
Hip replacements can utilize these two elements
Titanium and zirconium zr right below titanium of pt
Sliver chemical symbol
Online TIL is short for this phrase reflecting something new you found out
Today I learned
Adjective refers to the nature of a certain reference book or wide ranging knowledge in general
Another word for a storehouse or burial Place one of these of knowledge is someone who is full of useful info
When and where was the first known coin operated vending machine?
Ancient Alexandria
The engineer Heron of Alexandria design everything from programmable robots to automatic doors to vending machine that dispense holy water
In downtown Boise, Idaho, New Year’s is celebrated by dropping a giant what
Idaho is known for potatoes and since 2013 Idaho’s Capitol city has celebrated New Year’s by dropping a 17 foot fiberglass potato at midnight
What discovery’s Patton was sold to university for one dollar so proceeds could find new research
Frederick Banting discovered insulin in 1921 and after he and John MacLeod, won Nobel two years later, they sold the patent to the university of Toronto to help fund future research
Rapper André 3000’s first album in 17 years notably featured him playing this instrument
OutKast fans have been dying for a new album André 3000 for almost 2 decades and were left saying wait not like that when he returned to play the flute for 8 tracks on new blue sun
What animal can recognize and remember individual human faces?
Bees can recognize thousands of different flowers so it makes sense they could recognize human faces too
The agency, NOAA calls it a whirling column of Air and water mist
Water spout
This Russian’s 1881 violin Concerto was inspired by Joseph Kotek, a young musician with whom He was infatuated.
Each side of el Castillo, a pyramid in this ancient Maya city in Mexico has 91 stairs add the step on the top and whoa that’s 365.
Chick in it zuh