Gina Rodriguez Not Dead Yet Flashcards
This, commonly called the throat, is a muscular tube in the middle of your neck. It helps you breathe and digest food.
The pharynx
Fhar inx
If you’re a quidnunc latin for what now you have this quality of excess curiosity from a body part
Quid nunk
This poet who died young in Rome wrote bother bother love this boon has sent if I die and either I shall be content
Herbert nitsch is renowned in this activity and has gone more then 700 feet underwater on a single breath
Free diving
Slow thr line on ancient coins the exergue is the space with the alliteratively named this mark
X erg
Mint mark
City would be there
This rhyming device helps suck eater from basements or crawl
Sump pump
Making up
The order actiniaria these sea organisms are not delicate despite their flower name - some live 30K feet deep
Act tin e r e uh
Sea uh nem uh knees
This odd name
Chosen by the mc public is now borne by a submersible that has gone deep under the thwaites glacier to study its ice loss
Boaty mc boat face
B is for this type of map that uses contour lines to show the oceans depths
Bath uh metric map
Aaaah long a
Final stanza of this poem by Matthew Arnold begins
ah love let us be true to one another
Dover beach
Centered off Sumatra this deepest trench of the Indian ocean is named for another Indonesian island
Java trench
That Johnny buckland doing the electric intro riff on this colorful tune coldplays first hit
Rolling stone’s 250 greatest guitarists put this sleater- kinney axewoman at No 64 and called her a shameless guitar hero
Carrie brownstein
The energy department lauds this type of water heater also known as instantaneous as it more energy efficient that the storage kind
Persian settlers made the Comoros and island group In the Indian Ocean Africa’s southernmost nation mainly of this religion
Com uh rose
Puh Sade described this animal tearing up on its hind legs with its front legs in the air - perhaps in a statue