Love Poetry Geographical and Historical References Flashcards
Libyssae harenae (Catullus 7)
“The sands of Libya”
Libya represented North Africa to the Romans
Most of North Africa is desert, so there is a lot of sand
lasarpiciferis Cyrenis (Catullus 7)
“Silphium-bearing Cyrene”
Silphium is a plant that had medicinal qualities and as a seasoning and was used for contraception among other things
It was an essential item of trade for the ancient North African city of Cyrene
Cyrene was the hope of Callimachus, Catullus’ main poetic influence
Batti veteris (Catullus 7)
“Old Battus” was the founder of Cyrene and the ancestor of Callimachus
Hiberum (Catullus 9)
“The Iberians” - Spain
Libya Indiaque tosta (Catullus 45)
“Libya and scorched India”
Africa and Asia were ‘exotic’ places far away from Rome which were considered dangerous because of all the wildlife (such as lions)
Syrias Britanniasque (Catullus 45)
“Syria and Britain”
At the point when Catullus was writing this poem, Marcus Licinius Crassus was leading an army into Syria and Julius Caesar was leading one into Britain
Both places were seen as sources of victory and glory in battle (despite, ironically, neither being properly conquered by the Romans)
Troia (Catullus 65)
An ancient city in Asia Minor
Now modern-day north west Anatolia
Rhoeto (Catullus 65)
A headland near Troy
Partheniis antris (Propertius 1.1)
“Parthenian caves”
Mount Parthenius was a mountain in Arcadia
Arcadiis rupibus (Propertius 1.1)
“Arcadian cliffs”
Arcadia was a mountainous region of southern Greece in the Peloponnese
Cnosia (Propertius 2.12)
Cnosos was the ancient capital of Crete, which was known for its ancient archers
Clitumnus (Propertius 2.19)
A river in Umbria in central Italy (near where Propertius was born)
Its valley was known for its springs, brooks, groves of poplar trees and white cattle
Esquiliis (Propertius 3.23)
“The Esquiline”
A newer residential district of Augustan Rome
It was not as fashionable due to the distance from the Forum, so less wealthy Romans would have lived there
Canis (Tibullus 1.1)
“The Dog Star”
Represents the height of summer and intense heat
hibernus Auster (Tibullus 1.1)
“Wintry South wind”
Winds from the south brought clouds and rain
Messalla (Tibullus 1.1, Sulpicia 3.14)
Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus (64BC-8AD)
A Roman orator, soldier and statesman who was very successful in battle
Tibullus’ patron and Sulpicia’s uncle and guardian
dives Panchaia (Lygdamus 3.2)
“Rich Panchaia”
Originally a more or less imagined Utopian island in the Indian Ocean
Pliny makes it a region of Arabia Felix, an extremely fertile producer of incense and spices
Eoique Arabes (Lygdamus 3.2)
“Eastern Arabia”
Arabia exported incense and myrrh, gold and precious stones and re-exported Indian spices and other products
“Eos” is a synonym for “dives” since the wealth of the Orient had become proverbial for the Romans
dives Assyria (Lygdamus 3.2)
“Rich Assyria”
A region in Mesopotamia located in the northern Tigris valley
Now modern-day Iraq
Phrygiis columnis (Lygdamus 3.3)
“Phrygian columns”
Phrygia was the area of central and western Asia Minor where Troy was located
Its marble, white with reddish veins, was highly prized by the ancients
Taenare (Lygdamus 3.3)
Taenarus was a cape at the extreme southwestern peninsula of the Peloponnese in Greece, famous for its temple to Poseidon
The marble described here is likely to be red
Caryste (Lygdamus 3.3)
Carystus was a town on the southern coast of the Aegean island of Euboea famed as a source of ‘cipollino’ marble with parallel white and green lines like the head of an onion
Erythraeo litore (Lygdamus 3.3)
“The Erythraean shore”
Erythraea was the area of ocean in the modern-day Arabian Sea
Sidonio murice (Lygdamus 3.3)
“Sidonian purple”
Sidon was a Phoenician coastal city where a particular dark purple dye was made that was renowned in antiquity as one of the finest and most expensive of the time
Lydius aurifer amnis (Lygdamus 3.3)
“Lydia’s gold-filled stream”
Probably the river Pactolus in Sardis, the capital of Lydia in Asia Minor, whch was famed for carrying great quantities of gold nuggests from Mount Tmolus
By the times of Augustus the river no longer had much gold but the name of the river had become a proverbial symbol of wealth
Cypria (Lygdamus 3.3)
“The one from Cyprus” i.e. Venus
Venus’ first temple was built on Cyprus, an island in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Arretino agro (Sulpicia 3.14)
“Arretium’s fields”
An Etrurian town in Tuscany in the upper Tiber valley presumably near Messalla’s villa