Love And Luxury Flashcards
Catullus 76: When he believes that he is dutiful
Cum se cogitat esse pium
Nosse…tenere (physical meaning)
Catullus 60: Barking Scylla didn’t beget you from the lowest part of her loins
Scylla latrans infima inguinum parte
Catullus 58: she shucks the grandsons of great Remus
Glubit magnanimi Remi nepotes
Catullus 60: By nature like bronze
Natu ceu aes
Catullus 72: But as a father loves his children and sons-in-law
Sed pater ut gratos diligit et generos
Catullus 72: As a vulgar friendship
Ut vulgus amicam
Catullus 8: Poetic Ego
discontinuity of past and present- speaker both laments and renounces an ideal past in which the speaker’s love of his mistress was fulfilled - lack of enjambment produces a harsh rhythm that reinforces the imperatives (reproaches himself many times for continuing to lover her- commands himself to accept her rejection) - vacillations between resolution to move forward and romantic nostalgia for a time gone (or perhaps that never was),also shifts between refering to himself in the second and third person- disparity between the speakers perspective and ‘miser catullus’ - demonstrates the ability to perceive his own foolishness but his inability to change it
Catullus 55: One of them, baring her naked bosom, says
quaedam inquit, nudum reducta pectus
dressed in a manner which enables her to flash - sexworker
Catullus 16: I will sodomize you and face-fuck you,
cocksucker Aurelius and bottom bitch Furius
Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo, Aureli pathice et cinaede Furi
Sex as political slander
Cicero 30: For it was my duty to plead for some sort of exemption from several rules for youth, to claim some indulgence
erat enim meum deprecari vacationem adulescentiae veniamque petere
Cicero 31: He wanted to kill her
necare eandem voluit
Cicero 32: (if I had not a quarrel) with that woman’s husband—brother, I meant to say; I am always making this mistake
(nisi intercederent mihi inimicitiae) cum istius mulieris viro — fratrem volui dicere
Cicero 33: then I must summon up from the shades below one of those bearded old men
aliquis mihi ab inferis excitandus est ex barbatis illis
Cicero 34: virtues exemplified not only in the men, but also in the women
cum in viris tum etiam in feminis repetita moverunt
Cicero 40: The very records which used to contain accounts of that old fashioned strictness of morals, are worn out and that not only among us
verum haec genera virtutum non solum in moribus nostris sed vix iam in libris reperiuntur