Lost Procedures, Diversions, and VFR Flight Plans - ATP Flight School Flashcards
Lost procedures are often memorized using the five C’s. What are they?
- Confess
- Conserve
- Climb
- Communicate
- Comply
Regarding lost procedures, what does it mean to “confess”?
Admit to yourself and to ATC that you are lost. Getting lost can be an embarrassing mistake, especially with passengers on board. Some lost pilots stay in denial about their situation too long, which allows them to get even further off course.
Regarding lost procedures, what does it mean to “conserve”?
The biggest danger associated with getting lost is running out of fuel before you find a safe place to land the aircraft. Reduce power to save fuel. This has the added benefit of slowing you down and giving you more time to figure out your location.
Regarding lost procedures, what does it mean to “climb”?
If you are lost and flying over unfamiliar terrain, climbing to a higher altitude helps you to avoid obstacles (and a CFIT accident). Climbing also allows you to see more distant landmarks, and improves radio reception and radar coverage.
Regarding lost procedures, what does it mean to “communicate”?
ATC is one of the best sources of assistance to lost pilots. As long as you have a transponder and are in an area with radar coverage, they can spot you on their scopes. Use the sectional chart to find a nearby tower, approach control, or FSS frequency and radio for assistance. If you can’t find a frequency, try the generic FSS frequency of 122.2, or the emergency frequency of 121.5.
Regarding lost procedures, what does it mean to “comply”?
Once ATC identifies you, they can begin issuing radar vectors to a known location. Follow their instructions. That said, you still have to maintain VFR, so inform ATC if their vectors are leading you towards IMC.
How would you use a VOR receiver to determine your position when lost?
- Find a VOR near your last known position on the sectional chart.
- Tune and identify the VOR.
- Turn the OBS knob until the CDI needle centers with a FROM indication.
- Draw a line on this radial on the chart.
- Repeat for another VOR.
- The intersection of the two lines is your approximate location.
How would you use the Garmin 430 GPS to determine your position when lost?
- Turn to the moving map page. Zoom out until you see some nearby airports and/or VORs. Compare them to the VFR sectional to find your location.
- Turn to the nearest airports page. Find the nearest suitable airport (confirm that it is a public airport with a sufficiently long runway). Use Direct Enter Enter to set up a flight plan to that airport.
When should the process of selecting diversion airports begin?
During pre-flight planning.
How is the process of computing time, speed, and distance information different when performing a diversion?
You are performing the same basic calculations, but in a limited cockpit space and while having to safely fly the aircraft. Use shortcuts and rule-of-thumb calculations where possible to make your job easier.
What are some ways to make the flight planning process to an alternate easier, if less precise than your normal pre-flight planning?
- The alternate is likely close by, so you usually don’t have to plot the course and mark checkpoints on the sectional.
- Round to more convenient numbers, like 120 knots (2 NM per minute) or 10 gallons per hour.
- Choose an alternate with a VOR on the field that you can track a radial to.
Suppose you don’t have access to a plotter or protractor, just a straightedge and a sectional. How can you estimate heading and distance to an alternate?
- Heading: use the compass rose printed around a nearby VOR.
- Distance: 1 minute of latitude (the distance between 2 ticks on the vertical lines on the chart) is 1 nautical mile.
When diverting, is it best to plan a direct route from your present position to the alternate? Why or why not?
Not always. Terrain or airspace considerations may require you to select a non-direct route, or possibly to change altitudes.
What is the purpose of filing a VFR flight plan?
To notify the authorities of where and when you will be flying, so that if you do not reach your destination, search and rescue personnel can be informed promptly.
What information is needed to file a VFR flight plan?
- Aircraft tail number
- Aircraft type
- Aircraft color
- True airspeed
- Departure and destination airports
- Departure time
- Estimated time enroute
- Cruising altitude
- Fuel on board
- Number of people on board
- Route of flight
- Pilot’s name, address, and phone number
How do you file a VFR flight plan?
By contacting Flight Service personnel at 800-WX-BRIEF before the flight, or via radio once in the air.
How do you open a VFR flight plan?
By contacting Flight Service via radio once airborne and giving them your takeoff time. (If you do not contact them within 1 hour of your proposed departure time, the flight plan is automatically cancelled.)
If you have filed/opened a VFR flight plan, what must you do at the end of the flight?
Call Flight Service to close the flight plan - otherwise, they may start search-and-rescue operations for you.