Lord of the Flies Quotations Flashcards
“Jack had a compulsion to track him and kill that was swallowing him up”. This shows that Jack is eager to kill and he is also driven by the thrill of bloodshed.
“Jack planned his new face”. This shows that Jack is prepared to go to extreme lengths to carry out his desires. The mask makes Jack act in a certain way.
“Kill the Pig! Cut his throat! Kill the Pig! Bash him in!”. Jack orchestrated this horrific killing of the pig. It typifies his barbaric nature
“Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart”. This shows that Ralph is witnessing the end of civilisation and the end of social normality.
“I could swim when I was five”. This shows that Ralph had a more privileged upbringing compared to Piggy.
“Ralph cradling the conch, rocked himself to and fro”. Ralph is hanging onto the last ounce of democracy on the island. He is also going slightly insane in doing so.
“He was shorter than the fair boy and very fat”. Piggy is less handsome than Ralph and his appearance automatically makes him an outsider.
“Them that haven’t no common sense”. Despite Piggy’s physical problems is surprisingly rational and intelligent. He is annoyed that the other boys aren’t like him in that way.
“Have a meeting”. Piggy understands the use of the conch.
“Simon found for the fruit they could not reach”. Simon was kind to the littluns.
“In Simon’s right temple, a pulse began to beat on the brain”. Simon’s mental state is frail.
“You don’t know Roger. He’s a terror”. Roger is evil compared to Jack. Roger is a sadist and is pathologically evil.
“only Roger”. This suggests that only Roger is capable of doing such sadistic and harmful things to other people.
Sam and Eric
“They’re going to hunt you tomorrow”. The twins are warning Ralph of his plight and the torture that he may have to face. They want to remain with Ralph.
Good and Evil
“And we want shelters”. Some of the boys understand the importance of building shelters,
“From the left hand dangled Piggy’s broken glasses”. This shows that Jack is evil because he picks on the weak.
Order and Discipline
“Here let me go”. Piggy is a constant victim of Jack’s bullying.
“Jack had him by the hair and was brandishing his knife”. Jack had let his civilised side go and is completely taken over by evil and madness.
Crowd Mentality
“Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!”. A crowd mentality is seen in this quote. They are a vicious tribe during the killing of the pig.
Individual responsibility
This is an important theme in the novel. Jack becomes a totalitarian leader and individuality is lost during the tribal chanting.
“Jack rose from the log that was his throne”
Cold War Paranoia
“Who let the fire out” : Ralph and Jack often talk in a confrontational manner which is reminiscient of the Cold War.
Public School
Jack and his choirboys come from a private school background. This comes out in the way that Jack behaves as he behaves in an authoritative manner.
Boys’ behaviour
The boys are initially fun-loving and have a good humour but this changes as the novel progresses as Jack leads the boys into extreme behaviour.