Lord Of The Flies Flashcards
How has Ralph’s attitude toward Piggy since the beginning? (Ch2-4)
At the beginning, he seemed annoyed with Piggy, but now he doesn’t care for him much because he doesn’t stand up for him when Jack hits him and doesn’t give him meat
What are Ralph’s main responsibilities and what is his attitude toward them? (Ch 2-4)
He is the groups chief, he’s making shelters, and he’s tired of no one helping him
What does Ralph getting mad in Ch 4 show about his character?
Ralph has lost his more care free nature, and is fed up with no one doing anything
How does Piggy spend his days? (Ch 2-4)
Beside the bathing pool
How has Piggy changed throughout the book? (Ch2-4)
He was more quiet but is now more outspoken
What is Jack’s top priority, and what does it reveal about him?
Hunting, he seems to think that they will never get rescued, and the other boys seem him as weak
What does Jack’s ritual at the end of Ch 4 demonstrate about him and his followers?
They are becoming more wild and challenging Ralph’s rule
What info do we learn about Simon’s personality and appearance? (Ch 2-4)
He is scrawny, but the most-level headed. He stands up for Piggy so he realizes ignoring each other will get them no where
What does Roger do to Henry? What does it reveal about him? (Ch 2-4)
He throw rocks at him, so is a trouble maker
How does the paint/clay mask effect Jack?
He becomes more animalistic and his laughter turns into a blood thirsty snarl
How are Piggy’s glasses broken?
Jack slaps him causing them to fly off
What is the symbolism behind the glasses breaking?
No fire, becoming less civilized, Piggy becomes a liability
Why is Ralph made at Jack about the fire?
Because a ship came and there was no smoke
What is important about Jack punching Piggy
New level of contact is introduced
How does Ralph feel about life on the island? (Ch5)
It’s wearing him down; less fun
What’s different about the assembly in Ch 5?
Strictly business and it’s later than most
“…what was a face? What was anything?”
Ralph’s mind is leaving him, do you really now what people are lime
What is the assembly for in Ch 5?
To put things straight
What are some problems that Ralph brings up?
Need to fill up the coconut shells with water, help build shelters, and use the lavatory by the rocks so the current can wash it away
What is the cause of every thing breaking up?
Everyone is shrieking jobs and getting scared
Why is the mountain the only place for the fire?
It takes eagerly to build smaller ones and he doesn’t want to set the island on fire again
Piggy says there is no need to fear a beast because there isn’t one. What does he suggest they might end up fearing?
Each other
Who was wondering around the night prior to the meeting and were was he going?
Simon, his place
Many littluns start crying, who stops them and how?
Maurice by falling off the log
Where does Percival say the beast comes from?
The sea
Who does Simon say the beast is
All the boys (sin)
What does Piggy say about Jack being chief and about fearing him?
If Jack was chief then there would be no fire and only hunting, they’d be there until they died (Jack would hurt Piggy)
What do Piggy, Ralph, and Simon say about grownups?
They would solve everything
What is the atmosphere before the hunters arrive in the killing of the sow?
It was calm because the pigs were sleeping in the cool shade
What is emphasized about the sow
A lot of sexual language; rapping her
What is emphasized about the boys
They’re excited about the blood and getting it over each other, very war-like (weapons)
From a hunter point of view, how are the boys hunting the sow wrong?
They’re killing a mother (not thinking of the future) and they’re torturing her
What language is used in killing the sow?
It’s very graphic, and they put the head on a stick as an offering to the beast
How do the boys react after they’ve killed the sow
They’re excited about the feast they will have
What does Jack do with the pig’s head
Puts it on a stick for the beast
What’s going on in the world of adults
What is the beast
A dead soldier
Who are the first persons to see the beast and what do they do?
Samneric, run away
How does Simon feel about this latest beast?
He thinks its just one of the boys
What is Ralph’s personal hell?
His responsibility as chief and himself; can’t show fear
What might the boys dirtiness symbolize?
Them growing less civilized
What is the significance of Ralph repeating “I hit him.” The pig.
He’s surprised and excited he helped
Who do the boys tease and treat like the pig? How does Ralph participate?
Robert, Ralph pokes him and shouts “kill him”
What does Ralph ask Jack that makes them silent and embarrassed?
“Why do you hate me?”
What three boys go to confront the beast? Why are they crying?
Ralph, Jack, and Roger. Ashes blow in their eyes
What do the boys discover on the mountain?
The soldier
What does Simon tell Ralph
You’ll get back all right
Why is the top of the mountain covered in ashes
They burned the mountain
In ch 8 who calls a meeting with the conch
Who leaves the group
Who suggest they confront the beast
Who suggests they built a signal fire on the beach
Wha do the boys feast on at the end of the chapter
How does Piggy react to Jack leaving
He’s happy because he feels as if he can talk now
What does his line, “what else is there to do,” indicate about Simon
He wants to prove the bast isn’t real
What was Simon going to do when he staggered to the pig feast
Tell the others that the beast is a dead soldier
What units the boys when Piggy and Ralph arrive at the big roast
Piggy gets burned (ignoring him)
What happens to Simon
They kill him
In ch 11 why do the boys use the conch though there is only four of them
To show they’re still civilized
How does Piggy praise Jack and criticize Ralph
Jack got things done and Ralph only talks
Why do the four boys want to bathe before confronting Jacks group
Among savages they’re still civilized
Who is painted
Jacks savaged tribe
Who is killed by whom and how
Piggy is killed by Roger launching a rock in complete hysteria
What does Piggy say of Simon’s death compared to ch 10
He says it’s murder instead of an accident
What happens to Ralph at the end of the chapter
He is attacked and flees
Who convinces Ralph’s group they need to confront Jack
Who is on guard at Jack’s fort
Which boys fight with spears then fists
Jack and Ralph
What happens to the conch?
It shatters
What is the symbolism behind the conch breaking?
All order has been lost and they will become savages (Jack’s tribe)
How does Roger feel about killing Piggy
He is a bit sorry, but he’s so scared of Jack that he won’t show it
Castle Rock
Punishment, torture, dictatorship
Ignorance and fear
Piggy’s glasses
Ability to understand and know
Perspective, power, and truth
Dead paratrooper
Violence and death in the adult world
Humans tendency to ruin nature
Authority and order
Hope, reaching out for help
Painted face
Means of hiding one’s true self
The beast
Terror created out of irrational fear
Microcosm of the world
Safety and community
Secrecy, hiding and the unknown
Lord of the Flies
Evil, decay, and destruction
Huge gap that often separates humans from each other
How do we know the pig isn’t really talking
It’s dead
Who does Ralph discover is on guard at Castle Rock after he is forced into hiding
According to what he has heard more than once, which boy is most to be feared
What is thrown at Ralph in an effort to kill him or force him out of hiding
A boulder
What are the options Ralph considers when he is being hunted
Continue hiding, climb a tree, or break the line
What has been prepare for Ralph when the boys catch him
A stick sharpened at both ends
Who does Ralph meet at the beach
Naval officer
How were the boys found
He saw their smoke
What did Ralph weep for
Wise friend Piggy, end of innocence, and darkness of man’s heart