Lord of the Flies Flashcards
How is Ralph presented?
- Good/bad leader
- Charismatic
- Civilised
- Aggressive
- Piggy’s friend
How is Piggy presented?
- Outsider
- Civilised
- Focused
- Rational
- Hot-headed
How is Simon presented?
- Connected to nature
- Kind
- Sensitive
- Solitary
- Prophetic
How is Roger presented?
- Enjoys suffering
- Quiet
- Watchful
- Cruel
- Menacing
How is Jack presented?
- Controlling
- Intimidating
- Tyrannical
- Savage
- Bully
Jack - tyrannical
“Authority sat on his shoulder and chattered into his ear like an ape”
“Like an idol”
Jack - controlling
“The boy who controlled them”
“Jack was powerless and raged without knowing why”
Jack - intimidating
“Piggy asked no names…”
“Stared at the traces as though he would force them to speak to him”
Jack - bully
“Shut up, Fatty”
“You’re a lot of cry-babies and sissies”
Jack - savage
“His laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling”
Roger - quiet
“Kept to himself with an inner intensity of avoidance and secrecy”
Roger - enjoys suffering
“Eyelids fluttering”
“Delirous abandonment”
Roger - menacing
“shock of black hair” “made what had at first seemed an unsociable remoteness into something foreboding”
Roger - watchful
“Roger remained, watching the littluns”
Roger - cruel
“The spear moved forward inch by terrifying inch, and the terrified squealing became a high-pitched scream”
Simon - prophetic
“Maybe it’s only us”
“I just think you’ll get back alright”
Simon - solitary
“He glanced around swiftly to confirm he was utterly alone”
Simon - connected to nature
“Softly, surrounded by a fringe of bright, inquisitive creatures”
Simon - sensitive
“The laughter beat him cruelly and he shrank away defenceless to his seat”
“He’s always throwing a faint”
Simon - kind
“He found for them the fruit they could not reach”
“Shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy”
Ralph - civilised
“continued to watch the ship, ravenously”
“Did desperate violence to his naked body”
Ralph - good/bad leader
“I’m Chief. I’ll go. Don’t argue.”
“Something flittered in front of his mind like a bat’s wing, obscuring his idea”
Ralph - Charismatic
“There was a mildness to his eyes and mouth that proclaimed no devil”
Ralph - Piggy’s friend
“Ralph elbowed him to one side”
“I can’t think, not like Piggy”
“True, wise friend”
Ralph - aggressive
“The desire to squeeze and hurt was overmastering”
Piggy - outsider
“The boys were a closed circuit of sympathy with Piggy outside”
Piggy - rational
“Life is scientific”
“what intelligence had been shown was traceable to Piggy”
Piggy - hot-headed
“You and your blood Jack Merridew!”
“We might have come home!”
Piggy - civilised
“I got the conch!”
“passionate willingness to carry the conch against all odds”
Piggy - focused
“Remember what we came for. The fire. My specs.”
- School teacher
- Gentle middle class background left him ill-prepared for the horrors of war
- Served in the navy
- Many of his friends were killed
- He realised that both sides committed terrible acts of violence and cruelty to each other, and there wasn’t an inherently good side
- The atrocities he witnessed were done by ‘civilised’ people
- Atomic bombs were a threat, brink of nuclear war (cold war)
- Fire is good and bad just like how atomic bombs were
- Subverts the typical genre of books at the time involving children being innocent