LOOT: Stagecraft Flashcards
- Manipulated, abused and slowly de-individualised, (eg. (DENNIS) “deceased” / (HAL) “she’s minus her vital organs, isn’t she?” / (HAL) “It’s dust, Dad.”)
- Woman being manipulated for personal gains - becomes a prop, not a person, despite Orton insisting that there be an actress in the bandages.
-> Theatre used to comment on the manipulation of de-individualised women, for sex and for greed - objectification of actress. - Constant movement of the corpse - takes on a new life, partaking in this criminal activity.
-> Ludicrous bypassing of the restraints of death - shocking yet comedic to audience.
-> eg. a), bandaged corpse looks like an undead “mummy” and b), Mr McLeavy returns “heavily bandaged”, looking like a mummy/Jacobean corpse/ghost -> constant visual joke/return of corpse, inability to leave/escape.- The feeling that the body is being disrespected not only
feeds into this view of women being abused, but is
also the exact over-reverence Orton mocks: - Absurdity in the situation - not from how the corpse
is being treated, but the excessive dwelling on death. - Nothing but a corpse, with lifelike qualities being
bestowed comedically onto it!
-> These anarchic images put the joke onto the audience, creating an atmosphere of pure Carnevalesque farce.
- The feeling that the body is being disrespected not only
- Stripping of the corpse - clothes represent dignity, therefore visual stripping of dignity.
-> Also suggestions of necrophilia, even with the police man (Meadows) - “He wanted to undress it” -> Like a Jacobean play.- “He’s a married man with children” -> 60’s sex
- “He’s a married man with children” -> 60’s sex
- Car Horn
- Black-edged Handkerchiefs
- Wardrobe
- Supposedly inappropriate/rude sound, interrupting “mourning” -> makes this scene farcical/clown-like, diminishing the arguably ridiculous importance/weight put on to these shows of sentimentality.
- Black (mourning) only on the outside.
- -> Repressed homosexuality?
- Sexual desires -> Hal puts dead mother in there!
Oedipus complex, “Freudian Nightmare”.
-> Like a confessional box? - Sins - religion closed/blind to corruption.
-> Farcical purposes? - Repeated attempts to open it - foolish, ridiculous.
- Sexual desires -> Hal puts dead mother in there!