LOOT: Hal Flashcards
1. (FAY) “How do you sleep, Harold?”
(HAL) “Alone.”
2. “You’ve never had the blessing of a rape…broke a tooth in the struggle, she did” (about Dennis)
3. “I’d have two Irish birds. A decent Catholic. And a Protestant.”
- Obsession with sex, instead of morality.
-> Just like politicians involved in the Sex Scandals of the 1960s? Especially following McLeavy’s speech, full of political clichés/language. - Shocking - casual/positive language (“blessing -> biblical? darkness in religion) contradicting the unforgivable action -> Ortonesque farce - lays out corruption/holds up a mirror to the darkness in society, without offering your typical farcical resolution.
-> Attitudes to women - “broke a tooth” -> her action, removing blame from Dennis - disrespect, dehumanisation, objectification (“bird” = animalistic, primal, only sexual).
-> “have” - sex as a commodity, power over women.
-> “birds” - like pets, ownership over women - dehumanising them, making animalistic.
-> “decent Catholic” - a), displaying an absurd hierarchy and b), mocking compartmentalisation of religion, as sins/actions are identical.
1. “The signal for tears”
2. (TRUSCOTT: “What’s going on in this house?”)
HAL: “Nothing”
- Apathy at a funeral.
-> Deadpan.
-> Performative - compelled/forced, showing ultimate detachment.
-> Abiding by social constructs - no emotion. - Hal is UNABLE TO LIE.
-> Mocks him - he becomes a caricature of an inept criminal, making his actions, as well as being disturbing, farcical and Carnevalesque (eg. going to Portugal, not Spain -> criminal hotspot of Europe).
-> Therefore, this must be true! and what’s going on in the house is normal in society - exposing.
GENRE: Farce
-> We almost become complicit in our laughter, which is directed at highly dubious morals - laughter which in itself arguably breaks the fourth wall between the corrupt, farcical world on stage, and our world,- Therefore Orton argues there is no difference
between the two.
-> T: “What has just taken place…had better go no farther than these three walls.” - Fourth Wall -> message goes out to the audience, so
that Orton makes sure the public (like Mr McLeavy)
can finally see the corruption. - THEATRE: Audience cannot leave/get away from the
- Therefore Orton argues there is no difference