Longer Questions Flashcards
Describe the stages of spermatogenesis
Spermatogenesis has three stages: mitotic proliferation, meiotic division, and spermiogenesis.
Mitotic Proliferation:
Spermatogenesis begins with spermatagonia/ gonocytes (the term for primordial germ cells once they have entered the testis) which are found on the basement membrane in the testis. Primordial germ cells remain arrested at the gonocyte stage in the foetus all the way up until puberty. They undergo several rounds of mitosis to form multiple type A spermatogonia. In rodents there are Asingle, Apair, Aaligned, A1, A2, A3, A4, and B stages. in primates there are Adark, Apale, Atransition (controversial), and B stages. B spermatogonia undergo one more mitotic division to form primary spermatocytes.
Meiotic Division
Primary spermatocytes undergo two rounds of meiosis (first slow, second quick) to form secondary spermatocytes, and then spermatids. Primary spermatocytes at the leptotene or zygotene stage of prophase can cross the blood-testis barrier into the adluminal compertment
Divided into 4 main stages in mammals: Golgi, Capping, Acrosomal, and Maturation.
Golgi: the Golgi apparatus migrates to the pole where the acrosome will form. At the opposite pole form the axoneme begins to grow from the centrioles.
Capping: The acrosomal vesicle touches the nuclear envelope and flattens into a cap.
Acrosome: The nucleus begins to elongate, and mitochondria migrates to the caudal end
Maturation: Outer dense fibres grow around the axoneme. Mitochondria condense and form a mitochondrial sheath around the outer dense fibres. Most of the cytoplasm is discarded as the residual body.
The sperm is then release from its Sertoli cell - spermiation
Describe the mechanism by which GnRH affects the synthesis and secretion of LH and FSH, and how this leads to a carefully controlled menstrual cycle.
GnRH is released in a pulsatile fashion from neurons in the medio-basal hypothalamus (pulse generator) and acts on its G-protein coupled receptor in the pituitary. This triggers a MAPK cascade via PKA and PKC activation, leading to transcription of FSH and LH genes. GnRH activation also raises intraceullar calcium whch leads to exocytosis of stored gonadotrophins. The frequency of pulses determines which gondadotrophin is released, and constant release of GnRH prevents gonadotrophin release.
In men, GnRH pulses are released roughly every 2 hours. In women pulses are released at different frequencies depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. In the early follicular phase pulses are released every 90-120 minutes, however in the mid-late follicular phase this frequency increases to ~ 1 pulse every hour. After ovulation GnRH pulses slow to once every 3-5 hours which favours FSH production, though high oestrogen prevents secretion. Towards the end of the luteal phase GnRH pulse frequency increases and FSH is secreted
HPV infection and how it causes cancer (50%) primary and secondary prevention. (25%) and management (25%)
HPV is a dsDNA virus which is spread by skin-skin contact (often through sexual contact) and infects keratinocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis. Infection is often asymptomatic and ~80% of cases will be cleared or go into spontaneous remission within 6-12 months. However in cases of chronic infection the virus may cause warts or cancer.
HPV infection is considered a necessary prerequisite for cervical cancer, though it is not necessarily sufficient. The most common subtypes are 16 and 18, which account for 75% of cervical cancer, and there are 7 subtypes which account for 90% of cervical cancer worldwide. The most vulnerable region of the cervix to cancer is the squamo-columnar junction/ transformation zone. HPV causes cancer via the actions of its E6 and E7 oncogenes: E6 ubiquitinates and degrades p53, and E7 inactivates and degrades pRb.
Vaccination uses virus-like particles and is a relatively successful prophylaxis, but does not work therapeutically. Treatment of carcinoma in situ is with resection and follow-up monitoring. Invasive cancer is treated with radical hysterectomy and lymph node dissection or radical chemoradiation therapy (depends on stage).
Describe the main functions of Sertoli and Leydig cells in spermatogenesis
Sertoli cells respond to FSH, and produce androgen-binding proteins, oestrogen, Anti-Mullerian hormone, and inhibin. They also regulate the inernal environment of the seminiferous tubules
Leydig cells respond to LH and produce tesosterone and DHT
Name an endocrine cause of secondary amenorrhoea, discuss the investigations and management
FSH and LH will be low, as will gonadal steroids. Management will depend on cause: potentially increase weight and decrease exercise, but pulsatile replacement GnRH may be needed. Prolactinoma may be the cause, in which case prolactin will be high, and FSH and LH will be low. An MRI of the head may be needed, and treatment is with dopamine agonists, and occasionally surgery. Hyperthyroidism may also lead to secondary amenorrhea so TFTs should be done
HPG axis dysfunction:
Usually PCOS: Normal FSH and oestrogen, LH may be raised, advise weight loss if they have BMI>30. Address associated obesity and insulin resistance with diet and medication. Oral contraceptive pill helps regulates periods. Letrozole or clomiphene or FSH will help fertility
Primary ovarian insufficiency:
FSH will be high, oestrogen will be low, Management is with HRT
How do obesity and insulin resistance increase risk of endometrial cancer?
Obesity is a very important factor in the development of endometrial cancer, with 50% of UK cases being considered attributable to obesity. Obesity predominantly increases the risk of type I cancer, but also increases the risk of type II.
Pre-menopausally, obesity can lead to anovulatory cycles, which leads to high, unopposed oestrogen production. Post-menopausally, obesity mainly influences cancer risk by conversion of androstenedione to oestrone by aromatase in adipocytes.
Insulin resistance results from chronically high insulin levels, which lead to high IGF-1. IGF-1 mediates action of steroid hormones on the endometrium and is associated with proliferation, hence chronically raised levels increase the risk of endometrial cancer.
Furthermore, adipocytes produce adipokines which may stimulate endometrial proliferation, and obese people often display chronic low-level inflammation which may increase cancer risk
Extrinsic and intrinsic factors for meiotic regulation and how this differs in males and females
DAZL is crucial for a primordial germ cell to be meiosis-competent in both males and females
Retinoic acid is expressed in gametes of both males and females, but in males is degraded by Cyp26b1
Stra8 expression is triggered by retinoic acid and is required for pre-meiotic DNA replication
Discuss an example of how maternal lifestyle and diet affects the fetus
a. Dutch hunger winter
b. Monozygotic twins
c. Agouti mouse/ BPA
a) The Dutch Hunger Winter refers to the winter of 1944-45 when food to the west of the Netherlands was restricted by the Nazis. As a result there was a cohort of children exposed to famine in utero (mothers having 400-800 calories per day), but were then well nourished throughout childhood. These children has a higher risk of CVS disease (early gestation starvation), and obesity/ insulin resistance (prenatal starvation). The neonates had high head: birth weight ratio, suggesting brain sparing.
b) A study examined normal metaphase chromosomes of monozygotic twins. 3-year-old twins had vritually identical chromosomes, but 50 year-old twins had very different patterns of methylation. This supports the idea that methylation is due to environment
c) The Agouti gene is normally expressed in the mous hair growth cycle, but when hypomethylated becomes continuously active and ectopically expressed, and leads to a yellow, obese phenotype. Agouti is theorised to have target sites in adipocytes and the hypothalamus, which lead to its metabolic effects. Pregnant Agouti mice were exposed to BPA, which increased the number of offspring with yellow coats. BPA was found to demethylate the Agouti gene, resulting in over-activation and continuous expression - causing the yellow-coat phenotype
Describe the role of Sertoli cells in testis development
Sertoli cell precursors arise from the coelomic epithelium at the genital ridges. Differentiation of coloemic epithelial cells into Sertoli cells is driven by expression of SRY, which leads to expression of Sox9.
Sox9 initiates two pathways: release of Fibroblast Growth Factor-9 (FGF-9) which induces Sertoli cell differentiation in coloemic epithelium; and activation of PgD synthase which causes PgD to be released and trigger Sox9 expression in neighbouring cells via paracrine signalling, even if those cells don’t express SRY (PgD also has autocrine action to further boost Sox9 expression)
After differentiation, Sertoli cells surround primordial germ cells and form the cord structures. Sertoli cells are critical in the differentiation of the testis: a threshold number are needed to initiate testis development.
Additionally, Sertoli cells release Desert hedgehog factor (DHH) which facilitates differentiation of Leydig cells.
Discuss causes of recurrent miscarriage (RM), investigations, and treatments
Thrombophillic: Antiphospholipid syndrome is the most important and treatable cause of RM. Antibodies bind to platelets and endothelial cells, activating them and triggering clotting and infarction in placental vessels. Investigations are ELISA for anti-cardiolipin antibodies, and dilute Russel’s viper venom time test with platelet neutralisation test for lupus anticoagulant. Treatment with aspirin and unfractionated heparin has been shown to significantly reduce RM rates. RM patients should also be screened for factor V leiden, protein C&S deficiency, and antithrombin and prothrombin mutations.
Karyotypic disorders
Parents can be carriers of balanced translocations which lead to unbalanced translocations in the foetus, leading to miscarriage. Screening and IVF with PGD can be done to only select euploid, normal embryos, but has been shown to not affect healthy birth rate.
Uterine malformation
There is a wide variety of possible uterine malformations that can increase RM rates. These can often be detected using ultrasound, but the gold standard is using hysteroscopy, which also allows the malformation to be fixed as it is examined. Laparascopy will sometimes be necessary (usually in the case of didelphus - two uteri).
Metabolic and Endocrine disease
PCOS, elevated basal LH, thyroid disease, and insulin resistance are all associated with RM. TFTs, thyroid antibody tests, glycated haemoglobin, ovarian USS, and gondaorophins could all be done to investigate. Control of thyroid disease and diabetes improves live birth rate, as does metformin in PCOS, but LH suppression does not
Sperm fragmentation
Sperm samples from RM men have revealed higher incidence of sperm fragmentation. There are multiple tests to assess sperm, but the alkaline COMET assay results in better prediction for male infertility
Describe investigations and management for an infertile couple (not IVF)
Tests for ovarian reserve would include: ultrasound antral follicle count, early follicular FSH, AMH, and day 21 serum progesterone. An HSG (contrast x-ray) would be used to establish whether the fallopian tubes were patent.
Semen analysis would be carried out to establish: volume, pH, number and concentration of sperm, morphology, and motility. If oligospermia/ azoospermia is found, further analysis can be done with karyoptyping, cystic fibrosis screen, hromonal tests (FSH, LH, tesosterone).
If the cause is hypothalamic dysfunction in the woman, increasing BMI>19, or decreasing exercise levels if they are high may help. If not, pulsatile administration of GnRH or gonadotrophins should induce ovulation.
HPG axis dysfunction is usually a result of PCOS, which can be helped by reducing BMI below 30. Clomiphene or letrozole can be given to help, with or without metformin. Exogenous FSH may be used.
If there is an issue with sperm, aspiration or microTESE may be beneficial
Describe the process of IVF
Pituitary down-regulation:
Either a GnRH agonist or an antagonist is given. The agonist produces an initial 2-week ‘flare-up’ of the HPG axis, but afterwards the pituitary down-regulates its GnRH receptors and becomes de-sensitised/ Alternatively, an antagonist can be given which blocks pituitary GnRH receptors immediately. Agonists have a better live birth rate, but antagonists are safer.
Ovarian stimulation with hCG (if GnRH agonist was used) or GnRH agonist (if antagonist was used) to produce multiple follicles.
Ovulation is triggered with an LH surge, and oocytes are collected.
Sperm are placed in a dish with oocytes (or injected - ICSI) and the oocytes are fertilised
Embryos are transplanted back into the woman
Describe three reprogramming technologies
Somatic cell nuclear transfer:
This is how Dolly the sheep was cloned. An oocyte has its nucleus removed, then a whole somatic cell is inserted into the oocyte. The new cell is activated with an electric shock and cultured. The cells can then be used for reproductive cloning (e.g. Dolly) or therapeutic cloning (cells are taken and differentiated to somatic cells). Somatic cell nuclear transfer could allow creation of tissue that could be transplanted without being rejected, and could produce all cell types. However there are ethical issues RE where to get the oocytes. Furthermore the process is currently inefficient (Dolly took 400 nucleated oocytes)
Fusion with embryonic stem cells:
Somatic and embryonic cells are fused to create a pluripotent tetraploid cell. This cell is unstable and used for research, but not regenerative medicine
Reprogramming with defined factors:
The theory was that the factors responsible for maintaining the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells could also be used to reprogram differentiated cells. Oct4 and Sox2 were found to be essential - they form a complex which binds to the nanog promoter and are sufficient to activate reprogramming of somatic to pluripotent cells
Describe the characteristics of induced pluripotent stem cells, their pros and cons, and their uses in regenerative medicine
iPSC are pluripotent cells re-programmed from somatic cells and form ESC-like colonies, express ESC genetic markers, and have similar epigenetic signatures to ESCs. They also form teratomas and will form chimeras when injected into a blastocyst. iPSCs have similar differentiation potency to ECs and can be amplified significantly in vitro.
There are no associated ethical issues regarding obtaining oocytes, as for somatic cell reprogramming
They can be patient-matched to overcome immune rejection
They can be used to produce any required cell type
They are inefficient
It may be tricky to culture the exact cell type needed
Reprogramming does not totally erase epigenetic marks, so they may still have some differentiation preference
There is a risk of tumourigenesis due to residual undifferentiated cells
Modelling of diseased tissue through gene knockouts
Testing of drug toxicity on models
Cell therapy/ regenerative medicine
e.g. cardiac repair where they are a good option because they can differentiate into authentic mature cardiomyocytes (as opposed to other stem cell options like bone-marrow derived stem cells). However the cardiomyocytes produced are immature, and there may be mixed phenotypes which contribute to arrhythmia, and the process of reprogramming of somatic cells may cause genetic/ epigenetic changes in the cells. Overall iPSCs have been shown to be effective in improving ejection fraction in heart failure
Describe the roles of progesterone and cAMP in decidualisation
Progesterone is release from the corpus luteum in response to hCG from the blastocyst. It induces myometrial quiescence and inhibits the proliferative effects of oestrogen on endometrial epithelial cells. Progesterone also acts to induce immune tolerance of the conceptus, and regulates the window of receptvity to the blastocyst. During decidualisation the inhibitory PRA is the dominant subtype of receptor, whilst PRB is down-regulated.
Progesterone on its own is insufficient to induce decidualisation. cAMP is created by activation of GPCR (e.g. by oestradiol, prostaglandins) and initiates the process, but is insufficient to sustain it. cAMP is key in initiating differentiation of endometrial stromal cells through the PKA pathway, and sensitises the cells to the effects of progesterone. In addition, cAMP acts as an intracellular messenger for the effects of hormones triggering progesterone release from the corpus luteum